Tuesday, March 31, 2009

31 March 2009 Tuesday

So excited soon my birthday !! haha... Acutally quite long la. Today mostly playing,talking and messaging. I finally found a way to read my memory card hope and pray can !! Erm.... Mr Wong did not come for history today but he went for 1/2 and 1/5, But still HAVE TO COPY MANY MANY NOTES !! No diff. Next, Art was 2 hours today. I asked Mr. Leong how to make a circle with photoshop then he asked me to re-named "circle" I spelled it as cricle then he said you don't know how to spell circle ?? But nvm I don't mind. haha.. I stick my tongue out. I really don't like my art teacher loh. Lit is the best sub today !! We saw 3 grps perform today !! My BF perform loh !! My god !! I use her phone to record it. My hands were shaking. haha. And I was messaging 2 person who were sitting together. What the !! So funny loh. After school, I message a person who is oppsite me. One of the 2 person actually. Then I walked home with Zhi wei. Nothing much today. Just crapping....

But I really hate that pepper sauce loh. I just knew it today that even her best friend hate her. Today she really very guo fen loh. I asked her if she is going home now. Then she said yes. She then said that u want to go home with me can under 1 condition, u have to wait to 4.30. Obviously cannot. I am hungry !! Then I said cannot. She scold me said that I cannot be trusted. What the !! I am damn angry la. She is pushing me to my limits. I really really hate her !!

Monday, March 30, 2009

30 Mar 2009 Monday

Today so many things happen. So cool sia. Let's start from after school. We were waiting for our oral. Then I was damn nervous and playing with Syakirah's phone until Hedson messaged me. I was damn shocked cause he did not message me after my 2nd message and I cannot get through his phone too. I then realise his phone got no more batt. AS USUAL !! haha. Then I continue message him until my turn. I was very SUPER nervous. But when I saw Mrs. Goh's face, it somehow calms me down. ^_^ I pass through my oral rather calmly ^_^ I stayed back with Carissa n Valerie. Haha. And saw Zven. I am in Zven's fan club now!! Haha. Then we talked to Qiasara and her other friends. I really was laughing all the while. Suddenly, we knew that there was a sudden match with 1/5. MY god !! But we not enough players. After dicussion, the match was postponed. But we had a friendly match with them. While we were playing, that Jia Jun kept on calling me Tristan's GF. What the !! Then I spent more time chasing after him then playing the game. It was really a fun game. And I made many friends from 1/5. So cool !! I think I made 7 friends ::

>> Sharon
>> Amanda
>> ( I forgot his name) PS

>> Prudence
>> Yi Qing
>> Bryan
>> Bryant

I got his number and picture loh !!! MY god !! Best news ever !!

Friday, March 27, 2009

27 Mar 2009 Friday

I don't know why i am not angry with him already. But I don't want to see him. Tday had malay lesson loh. So cool !! The class was quite fun !! We sang malay songs and learn some simple words of malay. Hugo and I was messaging during it. Damn funny loh. But he is damn bad la. He made fun of it. I found that phone guy in the year book. He is my senior loh. Then I found out his name. That 208 guy is hot loh !! But Amanda told me that he is very notorious. Haha.... Oh ya back to the main point !! Shin Yi ( my new BF !! ), Yi Ying, Zi Ying, Jia Yi ,Si Qi and me went to KFC together to have lunch. We were bitching while eating loh. Then I found out many things. I cannot believe that i was called a faker loh. She is damn bad la. She don't think about wat evil stuff she done loh. I decided that I really don't friend her anymore. Haha... And I found one big thing not really a secret though.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

An unexpected incident !!

When I was about to do my homework, I realise that i left my file in school loh then I ran back to school to take. I was very very worried loh.. On my way to school, I called Amanda 2times but she already left school, Val i cannot hear carefully, Carissa did not answer and Joey already left. When I got to school, I headed to the canteen. To my luck, I saw Erna, Carissa,Val and a senior. I ran towards them and found that my file was with them. I was so happy loh !! I immediately hugged Val. Followed by Erna and Carissa. We chatted on our way to the bus stop. After they all boarded the bus and left, I made my way home. On my way, there was 3 boys with a bicycle each la. I think they were fixing it ! Then suddenly 1 of the guy shouted 小姐我的朋友要你的电话。It seriously scared me loh !! I quickly walked then the guy kept on shouting the same thing. I looked behind and realise I was the only girl other than the 3 guys. Then they went past me. The guy shouted 小姐我后面的朋友要你的电话. After that, they cycled away and was gone. What a scare !! Hope that it was not me !

1 day is possible

26 March 2009 Thursday

I finally knew how Shuen-zhi felt. I can understand why 1 day is possible to forget. I now truly knew that a lie can hurt a heart so much that u will never imagine. Trust me !! Never ever lie. This is a valuable lesson for me. One that will really anchor in my heart. I am sick and tired of this. I SWEAR THAT I WILL GET INTO ONE UNTIL I AM OLD ENOUGH. Both the one who ask for break and the one who got break is equally hurtful. So trust me never get into one at a young age && never lie.

i really lost trust in this already. or should i say guys.

My thoughts

In the end, I am the one who asked for it... Seriously I am really not sure if he is serious about it. Though he claim that he is. I was very happy when I saw him replying me that he was serious and he wants to be. However, Other than that, I can't sense anymore. I scared that it was just a moment of confusion. What I want was just a simple and sweet one. But it seems to be rather plain. I feel that he is so sian le. Maybe Nat was right, he got some hesitations about being together. Should he re-consider again before confirming to be together ? sighz........

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

A day of heaven !

25 Mar 2009 Wednesday

Today is like a cup of chocolate syrup, a cup of bitter tea and a cup of ice cream added up together... Yesterday was the best day !! He finally asked me !! ^_^ I was suprised and happy at the same time but kinda of scared that he will lie !! In anyway, waiting for tomorrow to arrive and accept his request. Oh my !! A guy with the best qualities ( no offence to the other guys) !! He rocks man !! haha....^_^

Love at 1st sight >> damn cool loh ( wat i always dream of )

Going crazy soon !!

Monday, March 23, 2009

23 MAr 2009 Monday
So glad to see everyone in school today !! Especially that I can see Him H....=P Recently love to use =p haha.... I went late for meeting early in the morning and got scolded by Aniq... ( as usual) haha.... Did one great presentation after much persuasion to push them out of the parade square ! At the Sci 1 lesson today, Natasha and me did many playful stuff loh. Now I realise how naughty i am .... =P. We were playing with water loh. Transfer and there then the water spills on MY WORKSHEET !! English period, I got back my CA2 English Comprehension paper. I got 27/40 !! So hyper !! THen Mrs.Goh wrote good !! =) MAkes my day man !! Then we stayed back for some Lit package. Mrs .Menom is so funny !! love her !! Then we played out our Hideout in Geylang play. She said that our group was great !! ^_^

Special thanks to ::

Delia >> Ah Ngow
Natasha >> Ah Chye
Alex>> Lou Foo
Aniq >> Ah Kow
ME ( Eunice) >> Mr.Chin

Saturday, March 21, 2009

21 March 2009

Today went for tuition. Damn funny loh !! Jia Yao bought a cup noodles and a bottle of Pepsi. Then Zhi wei told Jia Yao to put mentos into the Pepsi. And Jia Yao really did. After eating the noodles, Jia yao opened the Pepsi and the gas started to overflow. It was on his shirt, pants and floor. Haha... THen he was like laughing laughing and giggling. Around the end part of the lesson, Jia yao was supposed to come up to the front to read his compo to the class. He keep on insisting to read at his place cuase his back part of his pants was wet. Then Benedict and Kee Yong keep saying disgusting things like wat are u scared bcos ur underwear is transparent... After class, we went down. Jia Yao went down too. But with a file covering his back part of his pants. Belinda and i cannot stop laughing.At around 4, I message Hedson. Then I asked him if he is still in school and got bring umbrella. He said Wa so caring ... 1st time sia.... Iwas like blushing loh...=P

Friday, March 20, 2009

reply tags and 20 MAr

20 March 2009 Friday

THanks for all the tags !! ^_^

Hugo :: haha....thanks !! Though it is simple, just thanks !^_^
Sarah :: i miss you too && love you even more !! thanks !! U are cuter and prettier loh !! :)
Felicia :: thanks for the re-linking !!
Zoe :: Nop. The guy is around YX's height la but character all those is totally different !! I don't really like tan guys. =P
Jing Wen and Russell :: thanks for tagging and re-linking !! love you all !! ♥

Today is quite ok la... I played with my cousin board games and he taught me magic tricks. I played and joked the whole afternoon. Still have not finish my HW ... Thats the most sian part !! Envy Hugo loh... Still can go class party and invite his friend to play. I hope to be his sister.. haha... just kidding... =P

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

My 1st post

19 March 2009 THursday

My 2nd blog has just been created !! YEAH !! REally want to thank Angelina for my pervious blog. It was great !! ^_^ For this blog, Becky for the skin though i did not mange to succed in it and Mandy for the song Web !! Really thanks !! If your blog is not in my extiz, plz tag at my blog with ur URL. So sorry !! THanks for tagging !! ^_^