Monday, August 24, 2009


This is her new address :::

Plz tag her and tell her ur URL !! Cause this blur head here has accidently deleted everyone's URL. Haha. Blur her. =P

Saturday, August 22, 2009

This is my new shooting blog ! Haha. I have updated it and it's first post is about my first shoot at YiShun SAFRA today. ^^ Feel free to view it. ^^

Friday, August 21, 2009

I take it as you made a mistake and put it an end. ^^ I don't want to be trapped in this relatonship anymore I got tired for it. Ok so get on !! Erm.... Went school not early nor late. Quite good. ^^ Erm.... Geog haha. Was just fun loh !! Haha. Zi Ying, Shin Yi and I was playing haha. Maths okla. Mrs. Lim asked Zi Ying not to laugh. She laughed even louder me too !! Haha. Then recess !! Haha. Alive was talking and talking. And did a reflection. Lastly Music. Lol. She is suppose to test everyone today but she stopped at Erna. Haha. Next lesson me is the first. I am scared !! Then....Can't skip malay so very guai and went. Then was also fooling around. Finally ended school. Haha. Suppose to go home use com but went with Si Qi, Amanda, Xaiver to BBT. But amanda and I did not go. Haha. Then went to find Clarissa, Kellyn, Mandy, Yee Yong, Michelle and Prudence. Prudence should ask him !! ^^ Haha. Ok get back. Gosh !! The most freak thing happened !! But I cannot see, hear or feel. Then Sighz.... JunWei also joined in. Haha. Then I went CO room. Haha. Played with some instrument and made new friends. ^^ So ya. Went home to watch Chowder. Haha. So ya. THis Sunday got compeition sia !! Gosh !! VEry scared !! Target 50 % and 40 shots. =l

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Gosh !! Today is sure the worst day of my life man !! She forgot to bring home sth that she MUST bring !! Got scolded by mother for watching tv,not eating dinner, not telling my grand sth and my assement books. And to make the matter worse, he asked FOR A BREAK. What is going to happen next ?? I am mentally breaking down. I think I really just want to end it here man. I hate myself !! Why some people lead such a happy life but I can't ?? She can't even trust my good friend and wants to avoid her. And she is the one who is in between me and him. REALLY FREAK MAN !! Why is life so hard ?? Tomorrow, I still have 2 tests man !! What can I do to relax myself ?? Sighz........ I think I will just find someone who I can be myself with like Zi Ying, Lina and Peishan. With them, I can be like a child. I will make them laugh and we will be like enjoying ourselves. Maybe different characters together will form an ideal group. I hope is so. ^^

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Hihi !! Wow so long did not post. Getting lazy and lazy. Haha. Erm.....REcently got back some of my results. I am so gald my results isn't that bad !! ^^ Haha. Except for maths. Erm.....My phone recently a little crazy. Sometimes cannot call, message and most important cannot press the buttoon. Sighz........ BTW, I took my HOME ECON practical today. So fun !! Haha. I think is ok la. Hope that my reults is not bad. Hope Natasha get well soon !! ^^ And I so guai sia !! Study for about 2 hours haha but with music la. Quite cool right ? I hope I can continue this habit of mine. Haha. Gosh !! Mrs Govind showed us a compo and her vocabulary is excellent. Haha. I think if she wants me to write a compo like that ,I might take about 1/2 month haha. Checking all the dictionary, finding good phrase then re-write again. Lol. And she is from 1/7. Seriously, 1/7 people is no difference from 1/1 to 1/8 people. WE all are humans right ??? In anyway, her compo is GREAT MAN !! And there will be most likely a comp for me at SAFRA YISHUN THIS SUNDAY !! aH !! I am having heart-attack. Ok will stop here cause tomorrow got SC meeting. =P at 7.30 cannot sleep longer. T_T haha. nvm ^^

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Hey guys and girls !! Haha. So long did not post a post properly le. Yesterday that one is quite crappy haha. I know !! Ok so start my day. Nat !!! She asked me to come at 7. THen she came at 7.10 and did not study with me !! =( Haha. ERm....Maths lesson got test !! AH !! Haha. ERm. spend too much time on my 2nd question not much time left for the rest so choing !! Not much faith in it. Actually i did not study !! =P GEography quite slack got back my paper. Not bad. 11.5 over 16. Haha. For a person who study last minute is good !! ^^ Then recess haha...ERm...Drew on Yan feng's hand ahha. cause can't reach Anson. =P Higher chinese haha did spelling erm... FAILED !! haha. at least not negative haha like YONG XUAN !! Science 1 test !! Not that bad la. I have some faith in this sci 1 paper maybe because I got prepare !! ^^ THen history. Haha. Not bad. Me and Natasha is crazy loh. Keep mermorising about the notes. Lol. I almost bring the paper to the toilet cause I scared cannot remember loh!! Damn scary !! Then yeah !! Went out with Yi Xian and Jia Yi. Haha. To dicuss about the cake !! ^^ Manage to rush back for shooting. Haha !! ^^ But Mr.Soh seems to be in a good mood !! Then Did not shoot at all don't know why cannot stand the heat today. =( Then went to watch 1/6 VS 2/8 soccer haha. The girls there were like CHANG WON !! CHANG WON !! Gosh !! Fan club sia !! Then only did a bit of PT. And went home haha. So good sia ! Hahahahhahaha. Don't want to continue !! ^^ So yeah !! About 4 tests today sia !! Haha. Hope can be not bad !! ^^ Tomorrow can slack le haha. Not much things going on !! So yeah !! See you tomorrow !!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

gosh !! so busy !! lol. ERm.....Another rumour come out !! What !! Haha. It is true really there is a new rumour !! People from 1/5 confirm know loh !! Haha. Whatever. Haha.. ERm..Let me see....Haha. VERy busy but want to post so ya. ERm....have like 4 tests tomorrow ! gosh !! i have not pratise maths. haha. bound to fail man. so BYEBYE !! love you guys. PLz tag haha. reply u later sorry for people who already tagg me. Love you !! he really suck no doubt. ^^

Monday, August 10, 2009

Today is a Hell day !!!!!!!!!!!!

Wow. I can tell u I have been through a tons of unfornatune things today. Today is suppose to be a happy and sweet family day with my family. We happened to go eat buffet at either the Intertional Seafood Restuarant or Sakura. In the end, we went Sakura. The worst thing is we went there at around 11 but the thing starts at 12 so we waited. Then my niece came. Haha. This is when the hell day really starts. During the Brench, she kept disturbing me when I was getting my food and eating. But it was not so bad until we reach home. She came to my house and messed my 2 sets of UNO cards and kept asking me to play with her. Then we went to my aunt's house. The best was the first 1 hour. Cause she was having her afternoon nap. She slept and I use com !! So happy !! THen she came in wanted me to play with her. Gosh !! She cry damn easily loh. I don't play with her she cry. I don't do what she wants, she also cry. This is my hell period. And her mother scolds her, she cried even louder. I die loh. Sighz...... And finally at about 2 mins ago, she went my aun'ts house !! Yeah !! Victory !! I am still sad she don't give me that tatoo !! I mean the water one !! =( And I learn how to fold paper boats. They were very pretty !! Many colours !! ^^

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Lol. He did not change right ?? Poor Her. He cheated her. Expected. He is just a pack of lies man. Though she should be happy, haha since he was like saying those mushy stuff to you. So don't be sad. History repeat itself. =)

Lol. So fun !! I did some cooking. Haha. I was making flour balls. So cool. Haha. TO be exact is actually to play with flour ahahha. Cool right ?? Nth much to do and don't want to do HW !! so just go around people's blog and facebook profile. And happen to let me see Him doing such things again. Sighz.....He is such a BOOOOOOO !! I pity the girl.....................
Not Everyone Can Be A Great Chef But A Great Chef Can Comes From Anyone.

This is the new interesting phrase I learnt from the movie Ratatouille. The movie is great !! Except the part that the sound is very soft and the people talk very fast. And the surrounding NOISE is very loud. Haha. My niece and cousin were playing bingo when I was watching. Cool right ? Today I saw Vyan, my nephew. Dont know why when I looked into his eyes I saw a shadow of Shuen-zhi. Must be crazy !! But the way he look at me haha. Nth much happen loh. Went for tuition. Came back watch tv History. About history Rome. Cool !! Then use com then watch Tv. lol. Boring life.....Did not get to go to SAFRA today !! Don't know who won and how was the result. Must be very fun. Wonder if anyone miss me. Haha. Lol. Next week also got HTNS shoot. Gosh !! Can't go again. =P Sighz.......Why all happening on Saturday ?? Hoping for a more interesting tomorrow !! ^^

Friday, August 7, 2009

Haha. My 2nd post today !! Lol. Nth much to do mah. Lol. I quite like my new hair cut !! Yeah !! Haha. Erm...1 THING TO SAY GOSH !!! HE IS FREAKING HOT !! Haha. Some people knows who I am talking about. Teehee..... Lol. I got a nickname, Eun. Haha. Cute right ?? I actaully don't mind people call me Euni. Haha. But my name already quite short. Not shooting NYT tomorrow feel so happy. At least not so stress up !! ^^ JIA YOU FOR THOSE WHO ARE SHOOTING !! ^^
Haha. It`s been exactly a week before my last post so sorry !! CAuse very busy and lazy to type recently. I always come to this page le but think about typing makes me tired. Haha. Ok let's recap.

Monday ::
Haha. We got a new P.E teacher. MR.BRuce Lee. He looks like one man. YOu should see. Haha. No more 3/2 guys. =( After school got CCA. Haha. We pratically play for CCA. We played Hockey with netball. Bob sucks !! And Lorren too. Bob is good at scoring and he use the ball to hit me !! Lorren worse !! BTw, is pistol VS rifle !! Haha. obviously !! RIFLE WON !!

Tuesday ::
No pratical for Home Econ. So sad !! But REime is so cute !!! Haha. And so is NAtasha. BTw, I am sitting with Natasha and Shin Yi now !! ^^ Did library duty instead of going out. Haha. Fun day !! ^^

Wednesday ::
Got scolded 2 times by Chen LAo Shi. One is because Qian Ying and me fight then one is cause chen xu make me then i make him back. =P unlucky day. Got super low for higher Chinese. Went BBT. And saw Wen Han. Haha. He damn funny sia. THen went for Tuition. Not bad day.

Thursday ::
Got scolded damn badly by Mr.Soh. CAuse we girls are late. Plus I wear gear super slow. Haha. =P Total I shot 25 shots. Not bad leh. But all at the right bottom corner. Got one hit the metal tin cause Mr.soh say don't click. Boo !! Then walk home alone cause Pei Shan got stuff on. And WE ARE SUPPOSE TO CLEAN UP THE WHOLE RANGE !! The boys only know how to laugh. Is Hussain say one. My chi spelling not bad. One is 50 and another is 75. ^^

Friday ::
Cross-country. Lol. Not at all. I did not even take part in the race. Johnatan, Shu Qi and I guarded the over pass. Boo !! Haha. Btu was quite fun. Sad that did not get to see the show. =( Haha. Dogs are a regular cumstor to that palce man. Haha. THen i always run away. I can't believe Shu Qi is not scared for worm. Haha. Haha. Wen Han thanks man. He bought me bubble tea for free !! So good right ? And talk to me. Haha. He super funny. But he so sad did not get into PSL. Though he is loyal. Jia You !! WEnt to cut hair. Gosh I got myself a new hairstyle. Haha. Looks ok-ok loh.