Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Hihi !! Wow so long did not post. Getting lazy and lazy. Haha. Erm.....REcently got back some of my results. I am so gald my results isn't that bad !! ^^ Haha. Except for maths. Erm.....My phone recently a little crazy. Sometimes cannot call, message and most important cannot press the buttoon. Sighz........ BTW, I took my HOME ECON practical today. So fun !! Haha. I think is ok la. Hope that my reults is not bad. Hope Natasha get well soon !! ^^ And I so guai sia !! Study for about 2 hours haha but with music la. Quite cool right ? I hope I can continue this habit of mine. Haha. Gosh !! Mrs Govind showed us a compo and her vocabulary is excellent. Haha. I think if she wants me to write a compo like that ,I might take about 1/2 month haha. Checking all the dictionary, finding good phrase then re-write again. Lol. And she is from 1/7. Seriously, 1/7 people is no difference from 1/1 to 1/8 people. WE all are humans right ??? In anyway, her compo is GREAT MAN !! And there will be most likely a comp for me at SAFRA YISHUN THIS SUNDAY !! aH !! I am having heart-attack. Ok will stop here cause tomorrow got SC meeting. =P at 7.30 cannot sleep longer. T_T haha. nvm ^^

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