Friday, August 7, 2009

Haha. It`s been exactly a week before my last post so sorry !! CAuse very busy and lazy to type recently. I always come to this page le but think about typing makes me tired. Haha. Ok let's recap.

Monday ::
Haha. We got a new P.E teacher. MR.BRuce Lee. He looks like one man. YOu should see. Haha. No more 3/2 guys. =( After school got CCA. Haha. We pratically play for CCA. We played Hockey with netball. Bob sucks !! And Lorren too. Bob is good at scoring and he use the ball to hit me !! Lorren worse !! BTw, is pistol VS rifle !! Haha. obviously !! RIFLE WON !!

Tuesday ::
No pratical for Home Econ. So sad !! But REime is so cute !!! Haha. And so is NAtasha. BTw, I am sitting with Natasha and Shin Yi now !! ^^ Did library duty instead of going out. Haha. Fun day !! ^^

Wednesday ::
Got scolded 2 times by Chen LAo Shi. One is because Qian Ying and me fight then one is cause chen xu make me then i make him back. =P unlucky day. Got super low for higher Chinese. Went BBT. And saw Wen Han. Haha. He damn funny sia. THen went for Tuition. Not bad day.

Thursday ::
Got scolded damn badly by Mr.Soh. CAuse we girls are late. Plus I wear gear super slow. Haha. =P Total I shot 25 shots. Not bad leh. But all at the right bottom corner. Got one hit the metal tin cause Mr.soh say don't click. Boo !! Then walk home alone cause Pei Shan got stuff on. And WE ARE SUPPOSE TO CLEAN UP THE WHOLE RANGE !! The boys only know how to laugh. Is Hussain say one. My chi spelling not bad. One is 50 and another is 75. ^^

Friday ::
Cross-country. Lol. Not at all. I did not even take part in the race. Johnatan, Shu Qi and I guarded the over pass. Boo !! Haha. Btu was quite fun. Sad that did not get to see the show. =( Haha. Dogs are a regular cumstor to that palce man. Haha. THen i always run away. I can't believe Shu Qi is not scared for worm. Haha. Haha. Wen Han thanks man. He bought me bubble tea for free !! So good right ? And talk to me. Haha. He super funny. But he so sad did not get into PSL. Though he is loyal. Jia You !! WEnt to cut hair. Gosh I got myself a new hairstyle. Haha. Looks ok-ok loh.

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