Thursday, August 13, 2009

Hey guys and girls !! Haha. So long did not post a post properly le. Yesterday that one is quite crappy haha. I know !! Ok so start my day. Nat !!! She asked me to come at 7. THen she came at 7.10 and did not study with me !! =( Haha. ERm....Maths lesson got test !! AH !! Haha. ERm. spend too much time on my 2nd question not much time left for the rest so choing !! Not much faith in it. Actually i did not study !! =P GEography quite slack got back my paper. Not bad. 11.5 over 16. Haha. For a person who study last minute is good !! ^^ Then recess haha...ERm...Drew on Yan feng's hand ahha. cause can't reach Anson. =P Higher chinese haha did spelling erm... FAILED !! haha. at least not negative haha like YONG XUAN !! Science 1 test !! Not that bad la. I have some faith in this sci 1 paper maybe because I got prepare !! ^^ THen history. Haha. Not bad. Me and Natasha is crazy loh. Keep mermorising about the notes. Lol. I almost bring the paper to the toilet cause I scared cannot remember loh!! Damn scary !! Then yeah !! Went out with Yi Xian and Jia Yi. Haha. To dicuss about the cake !! ^^ Manage to rush back for shooting. Haha !! ^^ But Mr.Soh seems to be in a good mood !! Then Did not shoot at all don't know why cannot stand the heat today. =( Then went to watch 1/6 VS 2/8 soccer haha. The girls there were like CHANG WON !! CHANG WON !! Gosh !! Fan club sia !! Then only did a bit of PT. And went home haha. So good sia ! Hahahahhahaha. Don't want to continue !! ^^ So yeah !! About 4 tests today sia !! Haha. Hope can be not bad !! ^^ Tomorrow can slack le haha. Not much things going on !! So yeah !! See you tomorrow !!

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