Thursday, April 30, 2009

Yeah !! A few pieces of good news !!

Firstly, I have finished my Eng papers. Compo and letter writing is still ok. But my comprehension like a bit shakey. How to say leh. I got bored of doing the paper ba.

Secondly, I completed my D&T work. Haha. It has a turtle head, a box body, and a U plastic on top for the body. Took some photos but my phone. Sighz. Nvm. I changing phone soon. So smile !! ^^

Thirdly, Managed to find 3 very very kind guys for their aporn. If not because of them, I think I today cannot complete my work. And my friends too. THe 3 gentlemen are Bryan Tay, Hugo Tan and Kenny Goh. Thanks so much. Haha. Especially Hugo. He was already at the bus stop when I call him. Then he came back to lend Nat his aporn. How nice !! Annabel must get hold of him tight. Haha. And Bryan !! He is the first to reply me when I need help !!

Haha. Reached home at 2 plus. Quite tired. Started blogging. Yup. I really dislike the smell of the acrylic sheets being burnt or cut loh. It gaves out a very Ewww smell. Oh ya !! And AZRI ROCKS !! He helped me drill all those tough holes loh. And one super dangerous one. Haha. Today is so cold. During the exam, the paper were flying around. Haha. Kinda of like sitting at the back. Quite cooling !!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Today is sleepy day !! Haha. Got PW as my first lesson. It was a new teacher. Mr. Dan. Oh my. He got no difference with Mr.Fowler loh. Haha. Are they long lost brothers ?? Anyway he is quite hot la. Then was Lit. Miss Siti say can do anything we want. So we Talk !! Zi ying sat beside me as Amanda was doing some class tee stuff. So bored sia. Lucky got Zi ying. Haha. Then REcess. Went to the library after eating. On the way back, keep slapping Alex's back cause he accuse me for pushing him onto the floor. What the. Then just nice Shuen-zhi walked pass. So Ps. But he like don't care. Then ok loh. Since he give me my birthday present, he is treating me so cold. Diao. Then Maths. Do those usual stuff. Message in class and do hw. Then MT. Chen Lao Shi was late for 55 mins. We only left less than 5 mins for lesson but she insist. Qian Ying & I was like saying later we greet her good afternoon. We sit down then stand up to say bye to her. Haha. Then Lit. Watch Shark Tale, listening to thunder and messaging. Haha. Kim Hong was shocked a few times by thunder loh. haha. Got Sci 1 lesson extra one. Actually suppose to sit with Nat but she say want to sit with Delia. She like got Delia then don't want me leh. Sighz... Then at the end of lesson, Miss Ho realise she tomorrow got lesson with us. THen wat is the use of us staying back. Diao !!

After school, took bus 229 with Alex and Amanda to Bedok inter. Alex is damn funny. We laughed the whole journey. And Alex don't grab my neck !! Very itchy !! Saw Sarah then went to KFC. Amanda and Alex left after that. Then sarah and me have private time loh. Haha. She gave me a soft fur dog for belated present. So nice of her !! Better than someone (refering to Hugo ) Went to library to study. Cannot find a proper Chi Dictionary in the Bedok Library wat the. Went to Bubble Tea shop. Chat and chat and chat !!

Went back to my primary school to find David, Issac's brother. So cute !! All the small kids are damn cute !! Running like mad around. I saw sth damn disgusting and funny. Haha. My final conclusion is MY JUNIORS ARE SUPER SUPER CUTE !!

Friday, April 24, 2009

So sad.I suddenly realise that He forget that last friday was my birthday. Diao. And he remembers another people's one. Feeling so bad. Maybe I am just not so important to him. ok Whatever la.

Today begins. Amanda was late today !! I was so scared that she did not come and I have to sit alone. =P Lucky she came. Was reading half-way then I realise forget to turn off silent mode. And happen to receive Hugo's messsage. What a luck ! Haha. He made me smile greatly after reading it. Can't tell sorry. ^^ Message him waited until after recess then reply. I waited 2 hours plus then receive a 3 words message. What the !! So angry !! Then Was messaging Bryan & Hugo during maths class while they were having Geo. Which is Hugo's boring lesson. Haha. Bryan message me first sia ! Cause Geo was boring. SO thanks GEo ! Then we chatted all the way to the end of malay lesson cause his phone low batt. He was talking about love story. Rather cute sia. After malay lesson, played games with Atiqah, Amanda, Natasha, Syakirah and Carissa. Damn fun. Got forfeit too ! After CArissa and Syakirah left, we went to library. Laugh like crazy. Saw Mr. Soh tried to hide but still got caught by him. Sian.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Sighz. My com broke down for 2 days ! So went for repair yesterday and is finally back !! Haha. Was having cold war with Hugo for the past few days. And he say he maybe detest me yesterday loh. Sighz. Did not talk at all during school.
I got my Geo CA test back !! Cool got 15.5 /20 haha. Not bad. But quite bad for my Bio. =P Chi got improve but so-so.

EL is as boring as ever. Sci 2 did experiment but too hungry to make it more fun. Recess. First time Bryan wave hi to me. Waved back. Was talking with Natasha,Delia and Lina about some very sick stuff. D&T 2 hrs. 1st hour keep slacking. THen 2nd hour start to panic and rush. Haha. Ziying, Si Qi and me were like Mr.Salleh u are specially hansome and cute today can help us cut out. Haha. Then Si Qi so good loh Mr Salleh help her to cut alot. Next Thursday have to stay back after exam to finish. =I Chinese. We went through our exam paper. Yong Xuan was DAMN DAMN VERY VERY NOISY !! Got scolded by Chen Lao Shi many times loh !! Haha. Went for Library Duty. Very fun loh. Bitching with Pei Shan while shelving the books. Jia Jun scare me loh !!

Yesterday was rather problematic. Fun la. But many truth were revealed. I never knew she hate me loh. I was rather looking forward sitting. But I heard from my friend that morning. So sad. T_T I told Mrs. Lim. Sighz. Oh ya. Final positioning, I sat with Amanda. Chen Xu and Jun Hong in front. Zi ying and Min ning behind me. After school, went with Amanda to Bubble Tea shop. Saw Si Qi and Alex. And the atmosphere was rather emo. Amanda went home. Si Qi and Alex came to my house. On the way, I don't know why. They started hugging around. I got scared when both of them hug me at the same time. Haha. But I love this kind of friendly hug. =)Was late for tuition cause of them. Walk so SLOW !!

Many things happened these 2 days.

Monday, April 20, 2009

It seems like we have met before. Even before we met each other but u don't think so. Why is there a familiar feeling between us ? I really wanted to know. Is like we have known each other for very long time ? That feeling is real yet illusion. Wat is that ?

Today is a little dull loh. I received more presents today !! Which is a yeah-yeah thing !! Then I did 18 IPU !! ANd got and A. YEAH !! THen recess loh. I heard Hugo saying the son of a bitch. I was froze. Scary loh. I drank HL milk Choco. Rocks man !! But quite ex. Chinese is lecture again loh. Haha. THen we almost get back our chinese paper. SAD !! T_T Maths I did my hw haha. I got back my Eng Letter writing. Sian. Just pass. sighz. We went to 1/7 today cause our com is having problem agian. Haha. Manage to get to sit on Shuen-zhi's place. =P haha. But actaully really nth special loh.

After sch, saw Sz but we just walk pass each other. Sighz. We went to Com Lab 3 for Art hw. SAw Shuen-Ler !! So scared. Natasha & I talk to loud. Then got scolded by her. So scary. Then BT came in. So hyper. haha. While doing the hw, I am like keep peeking at him. =P. Got scolded by Natasha. Suddenly Joey and Si qi came in. We play and do at the same time. We keep talking about Sz when Shuen-ler is opp us ! So ps loh. Haha. When Bt left, I felt rather sad loh. Wanted him back !!

Came home. I talked to BT's sis. She quite nice loh. ^^ And she thought I was a boy. =( But she quite cute loh. Then suddenly BT came in. Psps just reach home. I was shocked loh. Haha. So happy I damn long never talk to him le loh. But talk half-way he did not reply me most likely play games again. =( kinda miss him.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Not much to post today. So end here. Haha. I am so bored !!

Friday, April 17, 2009

Oh Ya !! Shuen-zhi's present is the most unique one !!!! Forget to add that ! haha. =P
YEAH !! I am finally 13 years-old !! Haha. Today is my best birthday of my entire 13 years. I went out with Natasha,Alex,Si Qi && Lina !! They rock man !! I love them !! We are BFF !! Haha. WE went to Parkway Parade at 10.30 loh. Right after school. So empty de. No people. Then we play around and walk. Haha. Damn fun !! Natasha brought us to eat at Banquet. Haha. There the food super fowler-licious !! Haha. DELICIOUS !! Ok cheap la. After eating, we went walk-walk. Mini-toons, Sembanwang, Popular, Action toys and Giant !! Surprisingly we did not go to arcade. ok. Then we bought rings from mini-bits. haha. IT is our sign of brothers and sisters. ^^ We went back to Sembanwang to buy me a VCD. MY favourite show loh. Oh ya !! WE still got eat ice-cream too !! It is on Si Qi's bill. haha. So sweet of her. Alex and Si Qi so sweet loh today liek couples !! =P THen after eating my ice-cream ( rum & raisin ) I feel quie warm loh. THen head a bit heavy. The wine inside maybe a bit too strong. =P haha.

Special thanks to ::

Going out with me today && Presents
> Lina
> Yu Zheng
>Si Qi

Entertaining me the whole day::

Giving me presents::
> Shuen-zhi (Card)
> Shin Yi ( Mirror & bear)
> Valerie ( Chocolates)
> Justinn ( Bear )
ANd many more

No time to type finish !! Sorry. Cousin rushing me off !!


Thursday, April 16, 2009

Today is rather interesting loh. After school, i went to the library for my duty. So fun loh.I learn more things loh. Shelving books, process to borrow books and return books and renting of lockers. Quite interesting loh. Looking forward to it !!

Planning with Zoe and Natasha on tomorrow's outing ( I will very excited about it) ANd my mother about the one at night. Haha. CAnnot wait to tomorrow !! SAd Shuen-zhi cannot go. He got Speech day. ERm. Don't know wat to say but very excited !!^_^

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Hihi ! My 2nd post today ! Cause it is such a cute thing that i have to share ! =P Today I went for tuition. Haha. And forget to bring the WS. I had to share with Wit. Haha. Then we solved a maths Q. THe teacher said that he will treat us drink. Yeah ! I got myself HL milk Choco one. I love it man. So choco-ty. LOVE IT ! And Wit drinks milo. After drinking, we like went back to 3 years old time. So cute ! Haha. THen someone prank call him and he wasted much money on that guy. Poor him sia !! Anyway today's tuition is so 3 years-old. haha. ^_^
Haha. So many scary things happened today !! We almost changed seats loh. And I almost sit with Yi jia in front of Chen Xu and Jun Hong. Actually sitting like that is not bad loh. But I prefer sitting with Natasha then yi jia. Sorry. But I quite like that planned seat. I get to sit at the centre. If it is centre front, it will be the BEST !! For the first time, I listen to Geo Mr Tan's lesson. Actually it isn't that bad. Natasha and I was eating Aniq's bread during Sci 1 lesson. After eating, I got stomach ache loh. DAmn it !! And thanks for those who ask me if I am alright !! Haha. I had chinese test today and ok la not so hard ! ^_^ Today sth like that la. Looking forward for Friday !! Most likely going out with Zoe, Yi ying, Natasha and some others to celebrate it ! VEry very excited for it !! Haha.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Fall in love this song CRUSH BY DAVID ARCHULETA recently. Don't know leh so sian. I think recently the best time is Maths lesson. U know why ?? Cause only during maths lesson Natasha and me will sing and play music. Then Aniq will start scolding people. Haha. Laugh like crazy ! I love Natasha's company. Life is getting boring these few days ! I think that me and him is drifting very far apart loh. It is like a week ago ever since I last message him. Maybe the best is to foget ba. CCA today is so fun !! But while we are waiting for the senior is such a waste of time loh. I prefer the games after the official dismissal. Zhan Hao always aim me loh. Unfair !! Then Hussain is damn good at avoiding the balls loh. Haha. ^_^ Enjoyed myself today !! But I think he is finding me a bore loh. MSN him he don't reply. Then message also ! Wat the !!

Monday, April 13, 2009

Let me see how to start. Thats how i start. Haha. I am crapping again. ^_^ Today I got back my maths paper then went for training instead of chinese reading club. I did rifle today. So cool. Haha. Very fun !! But very tiring. Erm. As usual quarreling and walking and bitching and msn-ing. Oh Ya !! Had an improvement. I GOT 18 FOR MY MATHS TEST OVER 20 !! forget to ask my mum to sign. haha. ok erm. Said hi to Bryan !! Does that count as an improvement ?? Should be ba. haha. Erm. ok so i will end here. tomorrow got 2 test !! JIA YOU !! ^_^

Saturday, April 11, 2009

YEAH !! I went out to have breakfast with Jessie in the morning. After brekafast, we walked around the neighbourhood. Then we settled at my house !! ^_^ Using com & laughed & talk and watch grad video. Oh My !! I miss TEMASEKIAN !! ok my PRIMARY SCHOOL ONE !! Still find Shuen-zhi so cute ! haha. Sound so sick. I prefer how he look in Primary school ! I miss my bangs ! I look cute with it !! haha. Miss the fun times in primary school sia. ^_^ I miss the singing compeition so sad !!

Today's moon is so round !! I happen to see it when i was on-ing the lap top. The cookie my cousin made was simply delicious !! Went to tuition today and com as usual. Wei jie and Zhi wei is like twins sia. They wore singlet to tuition. Zhi wei's style of clothes. Belinda told me that Zhi wei prefer wearing singlet to show his muscles. Haha. Look through my photos. Haha. I cannot believe i changed so much !! I took some pics using my phone camera. Haha. So cute !! And as usual quarreling with Hugo about 2 girls and some sick stuff haha. I fall in love with this song after watching 200 pounds Beauty ::

Avia Maria

Listen to it when u are Free !! ^_^

Thursday, April 9, 2009

A mixture of happy and unhappy !! So I am going to skip the unhappy and BE HAPPY !!

> Hugo did a very funny butt dance. ( Tuesday )
> Have a very enjoyable Tuesday !! (Tuesday)
> Hugo replied me when I am bored to death. (WEdnesday)
> Laugh like crazy during chinese period. (Wednesday)
>Went to dental with fear and come out with relief (Thursday)
>Went out to have lunch with Valerie,Carissa,Joey, Erna, Hussian, Nafel and a boy (Thursday)
> Share my trouble with him. ( All days ^_^)
> Receive Shuen-zhi's message. (Monday & Tuesday & Thursday)

Count Down::

8 Days TO 17 APRIL 2009 MY BIRTHDAY !!

Monday, April 6, 2009

6 April 2009 Monday

So shit la !! I did my compo and letter writting on 1 book cause i lose both of my books in 2 mths. Then I got scolded by Chen Lao Shi. She say cannot !! Wat the !! At least I do right !! Then I went to buy another book. And Azri found it under his desk !! But I cursed alex for throwing my book !! So diao la !

I went for shooting. And my war with Ying Rui brok out !! We started quarreling and fighting after Shu Qi ask me to hit him in the back !! He is biased loh !! HE scold me instead of Shu qi when shu qi hit him !! Wat the !! My hands were shaking madly when I shoot !! AHAH !! Then I keep finding excuse to rest hope to go out and see him. But when I finally got out, he went home liao. He say he could not stay back !! So sad !! T_T did not really see him today loh. (BT)

Had a message quarrel with Hugo as usual. Quarreling over who is treating who better and those rubbish stuff. Finally BT reply me ya !! So happy !! Talked for awhile =) Then ya loh. I came across the Q will u ever kiss BT ? I wanted to say yes but got no guts. So i just leave the tag there.

In class, I was laughing until I cried ! We kept singing these phrase ::

I have a big head but little arms.

It is from the dino in MEET THE ROBINSON.

we lose to 1/5 today !! But WE DID OUR BEST SO WE ROCK !!

Saturday, April 4, 2009

4 April 2009 Saturday

Blur me !! I only remember that there is tuition 15 mins before it !! I have not even finished my Hw !! Lucky the teacher did not scold me. =P Tuition is still as noisy as ever. After tuition, I walked home with Belinda. Then I heard the song <>. I was very surprise loh. Wei Jie had that song. .Haha. At evening, I went jogging with Verlyn and Ah-yi. I saw an ang moh family at the playground. Verlyn and I went to play with them. That small little boy is so cute. He is 2 yrs old and he wore blue specs. Very very cute !! I hope Natasha is here. We will be equally hyper. Haha. At dinner, my cousin came. Vyan was crying and crying. I find baby boy is cuter than baby girl loh. =)

As ususal, u don't reply my message loh. I cannot stand it anymore. Waiting for u to reply is stupid !! Talk to u on msn don't reply. MEssage say at tuition. Different excuses right ?? I really give up on u !! [BT]

I cannot believe that I told him my deepest secret. I thought that it will long be forgetten. And I never knew that u so wat. Haha. Though we always quarrel, we share all secrets. I don't know why everytime when i am sad or troubled, he is the one of the first few who i will confirm say to. Anyway thanks for being there when I need someone to talk to =) !! [HHK]

Friday, April 3, 2009

3 April 2009 Friday

Although you did not avoid me, u did not do what u promise & did not say hi & did not reply my mesage equals to hate me u know tt ? It is like a silent kill. Plus U are not like a few days ago. Oh my ! U are silently killing me !!


I went to Chung Cheng High school with Amanda, Lina, Peishan, YX, ALex, Zoe and Jia yi. I got my shockest message of my life is from CSZ !! It is so coincidence everytime I am in Chung Cheng he will message me,like a month ago too. As usual those opening topics, how is ur class or how is ur CCA stuff like tt. But yesterday we chatted on the phone. He won an award and tomorrow going back to pri school to receive it ! So cool ya ! I don't know why but talk to him is just like last time. Very happy yet a bit nervous. haha. And I finally get the pics my phone on to the com and added some songs in !!