Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Today is sleepy day !! Haha. Got PW as my first lesson. It was a new teacher. Mr. Dan. Oh my. He got no difference with Mr.Fowler loh. Haha. Are they long lost brothers ?? Anyway he is quite hot la. Then was Lit. Miss Siti say can do anything we want. So we Talk !! Zi ying sat beside me as Amanda was doing some class tee stuff. So bored sia. Lucky got Zi ying. Haha. Then REcess. Went to the library after eating. On the way back, keep slapping Alex's back cause he accuse me for pushing him onto the floor. What the. Then just nice Shuen-zhi walked pass. So Ps. But he like don't care. Then ok loh. Since he give me my birthday present, he is treating me so cold. Diao. Then Maths. Do those usual stuff. Message in class and do hw. Then MT. Chen Lao Shi was late for 55 mins. We only left less than 5 mins for lesson but she insist. Qian Ying & I was like saying later we greet her good afternoon. We sit down then stand up to say bye to her. Haha. Then Lit. Watch Shark Tale, listening to thunder and messaging. Haha. Kim Hong was shocked a few times by thunder loh. haha. Got Sci 1 lesson extra one. Actually suppose to sit with Nat but she say want to sit with Delia. She like got Delia then don't want me leh. Sighz... Then at the end of lesson, Miss Ho realise she tomorrow got lesson with us. THen wat is the use of us staying back. Diao !!

After school, took bus 229 with Alex and Amanda to Bedok inter. Alex is damn funny. We laughed the whole journey. And Alex don't grab my neck !! Very itchy !! Saw Sarah then went to KFC. Amanda and Alex left after that. Then sarah and me have private time loh. Haha. She gave me a soft fur dog for belated present. So nice of her !! Better than someone (refering to Hugo ) Went to library to study. Cannot find a proper Chi Dictionary in the Bedok Library wat the. Went to Bubble Tea shop. Chat and chat and chat !!

Went back to my primary school to find David, Issac's brother. So cute !! All the small kids are damn cute !! Running like mad around. I saw sth damn disgusting and funny. Haha. My final conclusion is MY JUNIORS ARE SUPER SUPER CUTE !!

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