Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Haha. So many scary things happened today !! We almost changed seats loh. And I almost sit with Yi jia in front of Chen Xu and Jun Hong. Actually sitting like that is not bad loh. But I prefer sitting with Natasha then yi jia. Sorry. But I quite like that planned seat. I get to sit at the centre. If it is centre front, it will be the BEST !! For the first time, I listen to Geo Mr Tan's lesson. Actually it isn't that bad. Natasha and I was eating Aniq's bread during Sci 1 lesson. After eating, I got stomach ache loh. DAmn it !! And thanks for those who ask me if I am alright !! Haha. I had chinese test today and ok la not so hard ! ^_^ Today sth like that la. Looking forward for Friday !! Most likely going out with Zoe, Yi ying, Natasha and some others to celebrate it ! VEry very excited for it !! Haha.

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