Monday, June 29, 2009

Monday 29 June 2009

Hey. Haha. Today finally can rest !! YEAH !! Yesterday sleep at 1 am to complete my HW loh. Then my teacher was like I know you all cannot finish,nvm next week hand up. WTH !! LoL. Nvm can rest le !!!

Today is a fun day. Haha. Morning is boring la cause silent reading for an hour and is by Mr.Fowler. Haha. I realised that he isn't that nice as look. Haha. Anyway, he not that bad. Recess. I saw the new Japanese Food Store. Cool. The uncle was quite familiar !! THE TAKO WAS NICE !!!!!!!! Haha. And only $1.50 !! Recommanded !! Haha. The rest of the lesson are quite boring except Chinese. Finally, we changed group !! YEah !! No leader any more !! Haha. Now is in Group 3. With AMANDA, JOEY, KIM HONG, QIAN YING and ME !! Haha. Super GRoup 3 !! The torch relay. Haha. Like scream for 1 min when they run pass us. Then end. Quite stupid. Sorry. Walk home with Lina laughning the way back.

Actaully today is a good day !! A good start I guess !! ^^ Si Qi actaully completed her HW !! Haha. WAs happy for her but shocked at the same time. Go Si Qi !! Lol. I purposely don't want to see THAT IDOIT in school but still I did. Lol. Not bad la. Maybe Jia Yi is right. I might have fallen into his trap again. I must remember how much he hurts me & he and her good friend really matches ^^ Bless them ?? Haha.


Saturday, June 27, 2009

100 truths

1. Last beverage: Plain water
2. Last phone call: Sarah
3. Last text message: Sarah
4. Last song you listened to: Someday- Nickelback
5. Last time you cried: A few days ago

6. Dated someone twice: No.
7. Been cheated on: Ya
8. Kissed someone & regretted it: No.
9. Lost someone special: Yes.
10. Been depressed: A few days ago
11. Been drunk and threw up: No.

12. White
13. Hot Pink
14. Baby Blue

15. Made a new friend: Yes.
16. Fallen out of love: Ya.
17. Laughed until you cried: Haha. Ya. With Delia, Aniq & Natasha. ( big head and little arms)
18. Met someone who changed you: Ya.
19. Found out who your true friends were: Yup !!
20. Found out someone was talking about you: Think so.
21. Kissed anyone on your friend’s list: No.
22. How many people on your friends list do you know in real life: Erm. 90 plus %
23. How many kids do you want? 3 ???
24. Do you have any pet? No. =(
25. Do you want to change your name: Yes ! Chinese. Cheng lao shi always say it wrongly & and is like so ........

26. What did you do for your last birthday:Open a party !!
27. What time did you wake up today:8 plus
28.What were you doing at midnight last night: Watch Tv and fighting with my brother.
29. Name something you CANNOT wait for: Everyday in my life !!
30. Last time you saw your Mother: In the afternoon.
31. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life: CAn it be 2 ? Did not choose TMS as my 1st choice. ( i know i am stupid) and did not break with him cause of a misunderstanding.

32. What are you listening to right now: Only One - Yellow CArd ( now is in the rock mood )
33. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: No.
34. What’s getting on your nerves right now: Want to do many things at the same time
35. Most visited web page: Facebook
36. Whats your real name: Eunice Lim
37. Nicknames: Stupid names. Don't want to mention.
38. Relationship Status: Single.
39. Zodiac sign: Aries
40. Male or female? Female.
41. Primary School?: Temasek
42. Secondary School?: Temasek
43. High school/college?: Hope it could be TJC or VJC
44. Hair colour: Black and a strand of golden ( don't know why )
45. Long or short: My hair you mean ? In the mid of neck.
46. Height: 1.50 plus ? Did not check recently.
47. Do you have a crush on someone?: Ya.
48: What do you like about yourself?: ERm. Tough one.....
49. Piercings: Nope.
50. Tattoos: THose water one counted ??
51. Righty or lefty: Righthanded
52. First surgery: No
.53. First piercing: No.
.54. First best friend: Yao Siow ( i guess that is how to spell his name )
55. First sport you joined: Running
56. First vacation: Malaysia Genting. When I was P2
58. First pair of trainers: ERm.... No.
59. Eating: No.
60. Drinking: Plain water.
61. I’m about to: Finish my book review
62. Listening to: Song and my thoughts.
63. Waiting on: The special one ? And future !!!
64. What kids?: Normal kids Hyper !!
65. Get Married?: Yes when I grow up !!
66. Career?: Teacher ?
67. Lips or eyes: Eyes.
68. Hugs or kisses: Hugs
69. Shorter or taller: Taller.
70. Older or Younger: Younger
71. Romantic or spontaneous: Romantic
.72. Nice stomach or nice arms: Neutral
.73. Sensitive or loud: Both.
74. Hook-up or relationship: huh ??
75. Trouble maker or hesitant: Trouble Maker

Maybe something else~
76. Kissed a stranger: No.
77. Drank hard liquor: A little.
78. Lost glasses/contacts: Ya.
79. Sex on first date: No.
80. Broken someone’s heart: Ya. Poor him. SORRY !!!
82. Been arrested: Nope. & hope never.
83. Turned someone down: Yes.
84. Cried when someone died: Ya.
85. Fallen for a friend? Yes

86. Yourself: Sometimes
87. Miracles: Yes
88. Love at first sight: Yes!!!
89. Heaven: Yes.
90. Santa Claus: No.
91. Kiss on the first date: Haha. If he is my long crush. Maybe.
92. Angels: Ya.

94. Had more than 1 girlfriend/boyfriend at a time: No.
95. Did you sing today?: Ya.
96. Ever cheated on somebody?: No.
97. If you could go back in time, how far would it be?: When I was born
98. If you could pick a day from last year and relive it, what would it be?: Somewhere in May. And did not give up on him. I guess is my 1 of greatest regret.
99. Are you afraid of falling in love?: Ya......
100. Posting this as 100 truths?: Yup.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

26 June 2009 Friday

Lol. Feel so stupid. I actually bother so much about not talking to him. But he don't give a damn. I am really not used to it. It is like I totally don't touch the phone at all really. I really don't know why he don't talk to me. But he say it is better like that. What can I do ? I WILL HATE HIM FOREVER!! For sure.

Yeah !! Yesterday 7 pm something happen !! I WENT TO WATCH TRASNFORMER 2 ! Haha. 2 hours plus long. Haha. In the mid, he die sia. So sad. Almost wanted to cry. But he is really brave. He is a great leader. But compared to the 1st movie, not so funny. MORE Actions !! Haha. Is really very cool. AND BUMBLE BEE ROCKS !! ♥ him. Haha. Actually kinda of forget the story already. All i know is the movie is GREAT !! Haha. If you like action movie or transformer, MUST WATCH !!

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

I really hate my secondary school life !!! So many double faces people. I really hate it. I WANT BACK MY PRIMARY SCHOOL LIFE !! It is too cruel for me. I can't accept it. I want someone to be there for me when i need them. And not some one that will always change side. I want true friendship not an acted one. If you are here to scold me or to laugh at me, please leave !! I don't need all these. I had enough. All these fake and stupid people to stand around me !! I need people who is true to me. Plz..... Leave if you are here to hate me.
23 June 2009 Tuesday

Lol. Haha. Actaully feel quite sad de. But cause of Shuen-zhi. Haha. Ok le. I taught through. Haha. He is sure mature. Haha. So this post is to praise him. I believe if 2 person is fated to be together, no matter what happens they will still be together. Like what he say, studies are more important than those grown-up thing now. So I planned well. I want to get into TJC or VJC. I have to get at least 8 th in class. Haha. Cause can get a new phone. I believe can do it. Cause actaully quite near !! I am 9th !!! Haha. Quite regret did not bet with my parents or else might get a new phone. ^^ Haha. Shuen-zhi really rocks !! ^^

Haha. Today got many songs to intro !!

New Divide By Linkin Park ( Transformer Theme Song )
I personally really like thise song !! And hoping to watch transformer soon =) !! I like the part when the robots or Transformer turn into CAr. Haha. VEry cool.

No Boundaries By Kris Allen
Sorry for Adam Lambert fans. But I really prefer Kris Allen's singing. His voice is deep and low. Haha. Quite cool. I love the starting of the songs.

Seconds, hours, so many days
You know what you want, but how long can you wait?
Every moment last forever.
When you feel you've lost your way.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

You Can Skip This Post. You Can Read It if you are really that bored. ^^

21 June 2009 Sunday

Hey. Hey. Haha. Decided to blog cause got 2 thing. Lol. can't get my words right !! So angry !! Ok so I begin.

Today. Shuen-zhi asked me about the leadership thingy again. But the way we talk is like so weird. I guess is he had changed. He sound so professor. As in perfect english those kind. It has been a year. And that matter have already been buried so I guess we have grown up. But he become very mature and man that totally doesn't has that P5 feeling of him. Don't know is good or bad. But now i really don't know who is he.

Now. Sth has been bothering me very long. To post it is to explain to me i guess. I really don't know who is he. Is it the real him or not. Seriously I think it can't be cause it is really to impossible. About that asking anything, I really don't want to remember. In any way, it has been 2weeks. Seriously if he did not talk about it, i will not even talk about it. It was almost flow away with the hours and minutes. His last sentence I don't really understand. But I really am not !! Ok ? I guess I will not be seeing u for a long period or never. Knowing u is really just a mistake. I guess if i don't join this CCA, i will like never see you. So just i don't know. Hope time will help me forget i guess..........
Rules ::
> That person's full name, sorry if the person spell wrongly (=
> Whose name is tagged must do the quiz
> People who don't have blog also can be tagged ^^

A :: Angelina Lam Feng Min
1) Do you love this person? LOVE !!! OF COURSE !!
2) Is this person your enemy? NEVER !!
3) Is this person taller than you? Erm. i guess shorter.

B:: Benlinda Chan Hui Li
1) What do you really think of this person? Cute.
2) Whats their favourite colour? Pink i guess.
3) Ever danced with them? Friends dance !!

C :: Carrie Chiong
1) Do you like this person? Ya.
2) Where did you meet this person? Temasek Pri. or PAP. CAn't remember.
3) How old is he/she? 13

D :: Davier Mu Bing Song
1) Is this he/she your best friend? Erm. Ok...
2) Biggest regret? Erm... Anything ba. He is the one not me.
3) Best thing about this peron? Cool while funny.

E :: Eu Jing ( Eugene Chua )
1) Have you ever met their parents? Nope.
2) Worst thing about this person? Quite p___ haha.
3) Best thing about this person? he is very funny !!

F. Fionicca Teo Yi Tian
1) Have you ever dated this person? ERm. she is a girl.
2) When is the next time you will see him/her ? Haha. If i am lucky or if i meet her
3) Do you go to school with them? No.

G. Glenna Liew
1) Is he/she a good listener? Ya.
]2) Have you ever lied to this person? Nope
3) Is this person nice? YES !!

H :: Hussain
1) What year is she/he in? Sec 1
2) Best thing about this person? Funny !!
3) Ever done something illegal with this person? You think ?? NO !!

To Be continued............


Found this from someone's blog. ^^

1) Your Name :: Eunice Lim ^^ ( nice name to me )
2) Your Age :: 13 ( birthday over !! T_T )
3) Your state (Attached /Single) :: Single
4) Your 2 Favourite colour :: White && Hot Pinkn ( hehe =)
5) Your 5 of closest friends :: Angelina,Sarah ,Hugo ,Natasha & Qaisara ( ♥ you all !!!!!! )
6) Do you have any crush :: Erm.... Maybe ( seriously not sure )
7) Has an unknown person asked you for your number ? Ya. ( haha. lol)
8) If the answer is yes, did you give ur number ? Erm. No. =P ( Retribution !! )
9) Name 2 boys ( Random ) :: Cuthbert & Jing Hui (sorry !!!)
10)Name 2 girls ( Random ) :: Shu Qi & Amanda (sorry !! )
11) Your Favourite Number :: 17
12) Your Favourite Letter :: E
13) Your Number :: 8*******5 ( guess it yourself winner getsa kit-kat from me !! ) JKJK
14) Your hotmail @ :: ( want to know ?? ask me =)
15) Money OR Phone :: Money ( got money can buy many phones !! )
16) Your Best Girl-friend :: Sarah
17) Stead OR Friend :: Stead ( but also depends on who is the " friend' )
18) Your Best Boy-friend :: Hugo
19) Who is your stead :: No one.
20) Sarah OR Hugo :: hehe.............


Saturday, June 20, 2009

Found from Sarah's blog. ^^ Got tagged anwyay.

1: What's the colour of your shirt today ?
Purple shirt and white pants.
2: Are you wearing any contacts lenses recently ?
3: Do you know of anyone who likes you right now ?
Haha. I guess so. Myself !!
4: Do you love the person who last gave you a message ?
Erm. Yes as BEST FRIEND !!
5: Is anyone in your family pregnant ?
Don't think so. No.
6: At what age do you want to get married ?
Erm. Before 30 haha.
7: Are you listening to any songs ?
Ya. Some Rock songs. Cause doing Home Econ. Last night I was like half-awake while doing it. Haha.
8: What will you be sleeping with ?
Many pillows, Sarah's dog and A big Eeyore. Haha. I am an Eeyore FAN !!
9: What's the colours of your room ?
White. =)
10: Who have you featured in your friendster ?
Erm. Lina, My bro, Syafiqah. And 3 more. Never long did not log in le.
11: Have your featured friends gone to your house before ?
My bro and Lina.
12: Have you bathed ?
You think ?? Haha. Of course !!
13: Would you ever tell a person you love the person ?
Haha. Ya.
14: What's your plan for your next birthday ?
Want to open a party at the beach. And play 1 whole day.
15: Who's birthday was just over ?
Natasha's !! Yesterday !!
16: When's your birthday ?
17 April which is like 2 mths and 3 days ago.
17: Are you wearing any nail polishes now ?
18 : Who's at home ?
My Father, mother and brother.
19: Ever had sex on the first date ?
-.- No !!
20: What's on the table nearest to you ?
CDs, phone, green tea bottle, watch.
21: Who are you looking at ?
Computer screen haha. Or else how am i going to do the quiz.
22: Do you sleep with your bears ?
Not bears. But eeyore and dog.
23: Still keep your barbie dolls ?
Nope. Thier eyes are quite eerie.
24: Do you have any ex-boyfriend ?
Erm... Haha.... Can I don't answer ?
25: Do you like anyone now ?
Erm. Maybe. Not sure.
26: What bottom are you wearing now ?
Haha. Wat question is this ?? Pants.
27: Who is the one closest to you ?
My pillow.
28: What time do you sleep everyday ?
Around 11.30. Have to toss and turn.
29:What is your CCA ?
TMS shooting.
30: What do you do if you are in bad mood ?
Quarrel with Hugo. CAuse he is the one who make me.
31: Do you have any friendster or MSN ?
Yup !!
32: What school are you from ?
TEMASEK PRIMARY !!!!!!!!! Temasek Sec !!
33What is your class in school ?
34: Do you have any class T-shirt ?
Desiging in process. Don't disturb.
35: Do you like your class ?
Erm. So-so.
36: Who is your form teacher ?
MRS LIM CHUE MAY !! sorry if i spell wrongly.
37: Do you like shopping with your friends ?
Haha. Never done so before. Prefer with my aunt.
38: Do you like schooling ?
Primary 3 & 4
39: Do you want to transfer school ?
Ya !! To my dream school !! Haha will not get it i guess. T_T
40: How many ex-boyfriends do you have ?
Erm.......Make a guess ??
41: Who do you like right now ?
42: If you like that person , would you tell him/her you love her ?
43: Besides your lips , where is your favourite spot to get kissed ?
Got a funny experience. Lol. THinking.
44: How do you feel when you woke up this morning ?
Still tired.
45: Who was the last person you took a picture with ?
My Brother.
46: Would you consider to be spoilt ?
I guess so.
47: Would you ever donate blood ?
Erm. Yes !! If it doesn't hurts.
48: Do you have a good friend in the opposite sex ?
Quite many. ^^
49: Do you want somebody dead ?
No !! I am not as evil as Hugo.
50: What does your last text message says ?
( To :: Hugo) Doing quiz. You ? Tell me leh. T_T
51: What are you thinking of right now ?
I thinking when will this end ...
52: Did you wish someone was with you right now ?
Not with la. But to be online.
53: When did you go to sleep last night ?
Around 12am. Haha. Bad girl.
54: Where did you bought your T-shirt you are wearing right now ?
Not sure.
55: Is someone in your mind right now ?
56: Who was the last person who texted you ?

bored day... sianz..

20th June 2009 Saturday

Lol. Today so bored. Zhi Wei went Malaysia did not come. Wei Jie something happen. Spirit went Thailand have not come back. Lol. So quiet. Did not talk much. Quite sianz... Sit in front some more. Miss the laughter. But lucky still got SOMEONE to entertain me. But he evil golf. Skip the story waste my time. Still got like half of the homework not done. So sad.... Next week must JIA YOU even harder.

Quite shocked. Shuen-zhi asked me if i want to join PSL. Think about it. Maybe. But I want to be Student Councillor more. Just hope to get in. ^^ Haha. Today Hwee Ting and I was talking about the first day of school got the torch thingy. Yeah !! No training. Sian. No offence. Quite bored loh then he also. Like pick on me. Sianz. Plus don't really like the stink after the shoot. Miss Shafeeqa sia. She will always make me laugh every training. Quite miss school days. Haha.

Something to add ::

To Sarah >>
Sorry I know I own you a date. ^^ Hope to see u soon. Sorry that time cause of the NJC shoot did not go out with you.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

sweety sarah tagged me

Sweety Sarah tagged me.

Those who are tagged !! Must do ya !! Later I angry with you !! Haha. JKJK.
13. LENG
14. JEFF
16. ZOE

1)How did you meet 7? (pei shan)
Knows her since young. We are play mates. ^^

2)What would you do if you and 15 never met? ( prudence)
Then no more TOUCH-TOUCH !! I will be sad without her.

3) What you do if 20 and 1 dated? (shin yi 7 angelina)
they will be very good friends if they know each other. but not dating !! ANGELINA & SHIN YI ARE MINE !!

4)Have you seen 17 cried ? (sarah)
No. And i don't wish to. If she cries, i will cry too !!

5)Would 4 and 16 make a good couple ? ( Hugo & Zoe)
Haha. Maybe. Haha....................................

6) Do you think 11 is attractive ? (amanda)
Yup !! Many guys like her... Haha.

7) What is 2's favourite colour? (sharmain)
let me guess. red.

8 ) When was the last time you talked to 9 ? ( cuthbert)
long long ago. Haha.

9) What language does 8 speak ? ( jessie)
Erm. English and Chinese.

10)Who is 13 going out with? ( leng)
Must tell me !! If u are !!

11 )Would you ever date 16 ? ( zoe )
Yup !! Haha.

12)What is the best thing about 4 ? ( hugo)
Caring, Helpful and a very good listener !! =)

13)What would you like to tell 10 right now ? ( russell)

14)What's the relationship between you and 20? ( shin yi)
Good. ^^

15)Have you ever kissed 2 ? ( sharmain)
Nope. I think if i want to kiss, she will kick me off. Haha.

16)What's the best memory you have of 5 ? ( natasha)
sitting beside her. Singing !! And irritated Aniq. Because I have a big head and little arms.

17)When's the next time you're gonna see 12 ? ( hussain)
next training.

18) How is 7 different from 6 ? ( shu qi & pei shan)
No offence. 1 tall 1 short.

19)Is 2 pretty? ( sharmain)
YUP !! cute too !!

20.Whats your impression of 21? ( maman)
cute !!

21) .How did you meet 3? ( qaisara)

Tagged !! BY SWeety SArah

Tagged by my sweety Sarah !! ^^

10 people tagged to do this quiz :

Who is 2 having a relationship with ? (Sarah)
Haha. Someone. ^^
Is 3 a male or a female ? (Natasha)
What do u think ?? Female.
If 7 and 10 get together will that be a good thing ? (Amanda & Cuthbert )
haha. possible. Not bad.
What is Number 1 studying about ? (angelina)
Erm.... S.....
Is Number 4 single? (Hugo)
Haha. Nope. He is gaying with Zven.
Say something about Number 2 ?( Sarah)
Love HEr alot alot alot alot...............
What do you think about 3 and 6 being together? ( Natasha & Qaisara)
Erm.............. Haha.
Describe Number 9 ( Pei Shan)
love to eat sweets !!
What'll you do if 6 & 7 fight ? (Qaisara & Amanda)
I will cheer for both !!
Do you like Number 8 ? (Jessie)
YUP !! Love !
Pick 8 random friends you feel comfortable around(including yourself for Number 4)
4. ME
These 8 people you just picked are stuck in a house with you for a whole year.There is no leaving the house at all until the year is completely up.
There are 4 rooms, who would be in each room?:
Room 1: Angelina + Me+ Sarah
Room 2: Qaisara + Shu Qi
Room 3: Natasha + Amanda
Room 4: Hugo ( don't expected him to sleep with girls )
If there was someone singing in the morning who would it most likely be
: Amanda ( happen before)
If someone was considered the dad and the mum of the house, who would it be
: Hugo and Amanda
If you wanted candy really badly and all 7 in the house had some, who would you take it from?
: Hugo
If two ppl were caught making out in a closet, who would it be?
: don't understand.
If someone had to watch you brush your teeth (every) morning, who would it be?
: Qaisara
Two bags of chips were bought at the store, but 20 mins later, they are gone. Who ate it?
: Erm. We share among ourselves.
Who would hate being in the house the most?
: I think is Hugo. He is the only guy.
Someone took (brand spanking new) pair of socks that were never worn, who is the thief?
: Don't think.
If there were arguments in the house, who would be the ones arguing?
: Hugo and Me ( standard)
Who would be the one missing their bf/gf that wasn't in the house?
: All girls.
You walk down the stairs in the middle of the night for a glass of water, someone is dancing on the table in their Leopard Thongs, who is the crazy one?
: not crazy la. maybe me !!
A pillow fight broke through, who started it?
: ME !!
There's a marathon of your favourite TV show. What is it?
: Queen of No marriage
Who would be watching it with you?
Someone made a fort in the laundry room, who were the kids?
: everyone except Hugo. He don't like i guess
There are pranksters in the house who put plastic on the 2 toilets in the house, who are they?
: no one
The music's too loud, who turned it up?
: ME !!
There's a mouse crawling on the floor all over the house,
(a) Who's the first one to scream? ME
(b) Who's the first one to jump in someone's arms? Me
(c) Who would be the first one to kill it?
: Hugo guess he is braver
Someone's crying, who is it?
: 1 of the girls. Want to see Hugo cry though
And what happened?
: missing somone i guess
Who made pancakes in the morning and almost caught the house on fire?
: ME !!
Who gets sick of each other the fastest in the house?
: No think will happen
Someone's tanning on the roof, who is it?
: no one.
Who is the tallest in the house?
: Hugo or SArah
Who's the shortest in the house?
: erm. don't want to say.
Who is the loudest?
: ME !
Who is the clown?
: Natasha
Who is the most respectful?
: everyone.
Who is the one you go talk to most?
: SArah, Angelina, Hugo, Qaisara, Natasha, Amanda, shu qi. ALL !!
Who is the one who always comes up with stupid ideas?
: ME !!
Who's in bed first?
: Hugo i guess.
If someone woke everyone up with pots and pans, who would it be?
: no one.
Who is always dancing?
: Angelina and SArah i guess. DAnce club ma.
Someone has the same sweater as you, so you get mad at them, who is it?
: Will not mad la. shu qi i guess.
: You spilt ice all over the kitchen floor, who would be the one who slipped on it first?
: Erm. Hope Hugo. He laughed at me when i fell.
13 June 2009 Saturday

Argh !!! Angry !! Because of recent training, camps and compeititon, my rank in RC drop lol. Sighz.... But this week of my holiday is quite enjoyable !! Monday went for training and went out with Qaisara. Nice !! Tuesday went for P5 camp. WEdnesday Training. Haha. Had my comp not bad. 71. sth % But did not shoot finish. Thursday went to Yi Shun SAFRA with Pearlyn.

Yesterday, met Qaisara at the bus stop opp TMS. Her dad is bringing us to Yi Shun. Haha. Then reached there. Happen to saw Hugo, Hussain and seniors. Haha. But did not called them. Went in the range. Annabel pulled Qaisara and me to see Shu Heng. Haha. I was sitting beside him. How cool. They talked and talked. I just watched the girls shoot. Then some stuff happen. All remember was walking in and out of the range lol. After the pistol girls was the rifle boys. The exciting part. Our sitting places happened to be where Shu Heng shoots. But sth bad happened. Don't know why. When people is dry-firing, Shu Heng just stood down there and look around. Then i realise his rifle was not there. Then after people started shooting sigthers, his coach came in with his gun. Whispered to him something. Shu heng moved towards the audience seat. Then a girl went up to him and said sth. Could not hear what they were talking about. All I know is he shouted why ? then they move back to thier seats. His coach seems very angry and he is like upset. After he took off his gear, he sat alone outside. Then a girl came to sit beside him and talked. I think his rifle got some problem then he could not shoot.

Then I watched Hussain and Mr Soh walking in and out also. Don't know why. Hugo is quite calm la. Result also not bad. I heard from Annabel that Leonard and Fabian cried. They huggged together. Lol. Not sure if true or not.

After the guys shoot finish, Glenna, Qaisara, PEarlyn and me went to Northpoint. Haha. Quite fun la. Was so pissed off with someone. Called him don't pick up message don't reply !! When we went back, the noys left only left the rifle girls seniors. played With Marissa. Haha. And Qaisara did a fun dare. She went up to the group of guys to ask for comb. LOL !! Went home by Glenna's car. Reach BEdok inter. ATE LUNCH AT 7.40 PM !! Haha. KFC. Then took bus home with Pei Shan.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

11 June 2009 Thursday

Hey. Hey. Hey. So long did not post le got miss me ?? Haha. Many things happened this week. Too busy to post PSPS. On Tusday which is 9 th June was my P5 Camp !!

Tuesday 9 th June >> P5 Camp

Haha. I was in Group 1 with Zahier. A guy from 2/1. Nice one. Haha. Quite nervous. But thanks that got him to comfort me. Haha. Around 9 plus. The Group 1 is formed !!

IC :: Zahier and Me ^^
Members ::
Nurul ( EPPS)
Stella (TPS)
Fatin (TPS)
Sean (FSPS)
Adele (YNPS)
Cara ( STAPS)
Jie Xin
Xiu Qi (RSPS)
Kym ( TNPS)

Haha. My group is quite good. THey all love me so touched. But bully Zahier. Haha. ERm. Really miss them. THey gave me the drawing for comic strip which is very cute. Love them dearly. ^^

Today went to Yishun SAFRA !! But the fun part is not there is going there. Pearlyn and I going there by oursleves. So cool. Haha. We were quite lost actaully. Haha. Tomorrow also going there. But with Qaisara to support the guys and the girls from TMS and Shu Heng. Haha. THis time should be ok !! Cause got experience. ^^ Jia You !!

Sunday, June 7, 2009

A busy week (08 June - 13 June )

07 June 2009 Sunday

Haha. Don't know why yesterday and this morning just cannot get him out of my mind. If one day i really have to live without him, it would be one of the hardest moment. After thinking for quite long, I add him back from where I deleted. Should be ok le ba I think.

Yesterday, I received a message said that I was selected for helping out the P5 Camp on 9th June Tuesday !! Yeah !! So excited. Got quite a few people I know is going. But I am the only 1/1 loh. Sad. Haha. Lol. Monday got training and meeting for camp. Training should be speically long cause I did not go on Friday and Mr. Soh wants me to improve faster also. This week should be very busy.

Monday 08 June ::

Tuesday 09 June ::
P5 Camp

Wednesday 10 June ::

Thursday 11 June ::
NUS shoot

Friday 12 June ::
NUS shoot

Saturday 13 June ::
Tuition / NUS shoot

Sunday 14 June ::

But not very sure if NUS shoot everyone is going.

Friday, June 5, 2009

Maybe we will just end here. Is a good point anyway. But just not used to it. Without ur jokes, evil critise and of course quarrells. Maybe 1 day it will come. Soon. SEriously very tired of heart-breaking and tears rolling down. Leaving it alone hoping that one day the hole will heal by itself. you don't even care if i get hurt.

05 june 2009

Thursday, June 4, 2009

04 June 2009 THursday

I really love YESTERDAY !! Let me tell u the story. I will bring back the time to 3 June 2009 8am.

I was having PW. But my heart and soul is far far away. Finally 10am has arrived, Jia Yi, Pei Shan, Alex and me headed off to TPS !! But Alex is quite extra la. Cause in the end he did not go. When we went in, the 1st familiar face I saw was DERRICK LIM !! First time see him smile sia !! Rare scene but i did not take pic !!

Cause that Scout activity ending so we are not in any help. We went to the canteen first loh. Now many familiar faces. Got Nicholas Loh, Bryant Choo, Goh Jia Yi, Chua Shuen-zhi and some others. And of course ANGELINA LAM && SARAH JANE TAN ! After the break, i assigned to GROUP 14 !! My group of the day. Haha.

Member on Group 14
> Eunice ( Mento ^^ ) The blur senior
> Tricia ( Leader) Tall and pretty smart Alexandra
> Jerlence ( Ass.) A twin of mine
> Aisah Very quiet
> Rachel Cute Cute de
> Oliver A vegetarian
> Rui Yi A small boy that i dearly love
> Jia Ren A guy who only cares about sweets

The field cooking was like hell !! I can conclude some stuffs. I don't know how to cook Maggie Mee. Bryant and Nicholas is good at it !! And Goh Jia Yi is picking on me ! Why ? I think is because of Shuen-zhi loh. She like keep sticking to him then when i do sth wrong, she will critise me !! I hate that.

Some talks. I made a friendship band. Actually Wanted to give someone. But when i pass to him, he just threw it on the floor. WTH !! He is the really the last i will ever want to see in my life. During the wash-up, Angelina, Sarah, Jia Yi and me went out to buy goodies for the small ones. Haha. They all love it when I gave out. So happy. Some other groups one come and snatch from me too ! So fast-forward move to dinner. Haha. Angelina and SArah was fighting over me to have dinner with them. In the end, Angelina won. But Mr.Lee say must sit in groups. Evil !! So sit in groups loh. Quite fun la. Jerlence gave us many light sticks ! I love light sticks ! I got 6 loh. But I gave a few to other junior. TIME FOR CAMPFIRE!! Love it too. Many singing and dancing. Thats why i join UG ba I think. After that the Chung Cheng High Scouts say Mentos and 2 members are suppose to do limbo rock !! My god ! My back is damn stiff loh. How to bend ? In the end I really cannot bend. Haha. =P Got critise by Jia Yi again. sighz..

After some singing and red cross performance, is BROWNIES TIME ! I was a former brownies actaully. Angelina, Carrie, Jia Yi, Sarah and me are suppose to demo to the kids to see. So fun ! But somehow my kneecap hurts. Cannot bend full down. After that, we did thousand leg worm. Haha. We run around the fire loh. DAmn fun !! After that, was time for Token of Appeciation. When my name was called, my group scream for me loh. So touched. And i screamed for Sarah and Angelina too. Haha. i waved good-bye to my small ones. So sad. Will not see them for long time. Sighz.. When we are at the bus bay, A senior from Chung Cheng wants Angelina's number. So cool. ^^ Walked home with Sarah. Thanks to 1 guy who kept messaging we through out the day !