Saturday, June 13, 2009

13 June 2009 Saturday

Argh !!! Angry !! Because of recent training, camps and compeititon, my rank in RC drop lol. Sighz.... But this week of my holiday is quite enjoyable !! Monday went for training and went out with Qaisara. Nice !! Tuesday went for P5 camp. WEdnesday Training. Haha. Had my comp not bad. 71. sth % But did not shoot finish. Thursday went to Yi Shun SAFRA with Pearlyn.

Yesterday, met Qaisara at the bus stop opp TMS. Her dad is bringing us to Yi Shun. Haha. Then reached there. Happen to saw Hugo, Hussain and seniors. Haha. But did not called them. Went in the range. Annabel pulled Qaisara and me to see Shu Heng. Haha. I was sitting beside him. How cool. They talked and talked. I just watched the girls shoot. Then some stuff happen. All remember was walking in and out of the range lol. After the pistol girls was the rifle boys. The exciting part. Our sitting places happened to be where Shu Heng shoots. But sth bad happened. Don't know why. When people is dry-firing, Shu Heng just stood down there and look around. Then i realise his rifle was not there. Then after people started shooting sigthers, his coach came in with his gun. Whispered to him something. Shu heng moved towards the audience seat. Then a girl went up to him and said sth. Could not hear what they were talking about. All I know is he shouted why ? then they move back to thier seats. His coach seems very angry and he is like upset. After he took off his gear, he sat alone outside. Then a girl came to sit beside him and talked. I think his rifle got some problem then he could not shoot.

Then I watched Hussain and Mr Soh walking in and out also. Don't know why. Hugo is quite calm la. Result also not bad. I heard from Annabel that Leonard and Fabian cried. They huggged together. Lol. Not sure if true or not.

After the guys shoot finish, Glenna, Qaisara, PEarlyn and me went to Northpoint. Haha. Quite fun la. Was so pissed off with someone. Called him don't pick up message don't reply !! When we went back, the noys left only left the rifle girls seniors. played With Marissa. Haha. And Qaisara did a fun dare. She went up to the group of guys to ask for comb. LOL !! Went home by Glenna's car. Reach BEdok inter. ATE LUNCH AT 7.40 PM !! Haha. KFC. Then took bus home with Pei Shan.

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