Saturday, June 20, 2009

Found from Sarah's blog. ^^ Got tagged anwyay.

1: What's the colour of your shirt today ?
Purple shirt and white pants.
2: Are you wearing any contacts lenses recently ?
3: Do you know of anyone who likes you right now ?
Haha. I guess so. Myself !!
4: Do you love the person who last gave you a message ?
Erm. Yes as BEST FRIEND !!
5: Is anyone in your family pregnant ?
Don't think so. No.
6: At what age do you want to get married ?
Erm. Before 30 haha.
7: Are you listening to any songs ?
Ya. Some Rock songs. Cause doing Home Econ. Last night I was like half-awake while doing it. Haha.
8: What will you be sleeping with ?
Many pillows, Sarah's dog and A big Eeyore. Haha. I am an Eeyore FAN !!
9: What's the colours of your room ?
White. =)
10: Who have you featured in your friendster ?
Erm. Lina, My bro, Syafiqah. And 3 more. Never long did not log in le.
11: Have your featured friends gone to your house before ?
My bro and Lina.
12: Have you bathed ?
You think ?? Haha. Of course !!
13: Would you ever tell a person you love the person ?
Haha. Ya.
14: What's your plan for your next birthday ?
Want to open a party at the beach. And play 1 whole day.
15: Who's birthday was just over ?
Natasha's !! Yesterday !!
16: When's your birthday ?
17 April which is like 2 mths and 3 days ago.
17: Are you wearing any nail polishes now ?
18 : Who's at home ?
My Father, mother and brother.
19: Ever had sex on the first date ?
-.- No !!
20: What's on the table nearest to you ?
CDs, phone, green tea bottle, watch.
21: Who are you looking at ?
Computer screen haha. Or else how am i going to do the quiz.
22: Do you sleep with your bears ?
Not bears. But eeyore and dog.
23: Still keep your barbie dolls ?
Nope. Thier eyes are quite eerie.
24: Do you have any ex-boyfriend ?
Erm... Haha.... Can I don't answer ?
25: Do you like anyone now ?
Erm. Maybe. Not sure.
26: What bottom are you wearing now ?
Haha. Wat question is this ?? Pants.
27: Who is the one closest to you ?
My pillow.
28: What time do you sleep everyday ?
Around 11.30. Have to toss and turn.
29:What is your CCA ?
TMS shooting.
30: What do you do if you are in bad mood ?
Quarrel with Hugo. CAuse he is the one who make me.
31: Do you have any friendster or MSN ?
Yup !!
32: What school are you from ?
TEMASEK PRIMARY !!!!!!!!! Temasek Sec !!
33What is your class in school ?
34: Do you have any class T-shirt ?
Desiging in process. Don't disturb.
35: Do you like your class ?
Erm. So-so.
36: Who is your form teacher ?
MRS LIM CHUE MAY !! sorry if i spell wrongly.
37: Do you like shopping with your friends ?
Haha. Never done so before. Prefer with my aunt.
38: Do you like schooling ?
Primary 3 & 4
39: Do you want to transfer school ?
Ya !! To my dream school !! Haha will not get it i guess. T_T
40: How many ex-boyfriends do you have ?
Erm.......Make a guess ??
41: Who do you like right now ?
42: If you like that person , would you tell him/her you love her ?
43: Besides your lips , where is your favourite spot to get kissed ?
Got a funny experience. Lol. THinking.
44: How do you feel when you woke up this morning ?
Still tired.
45: Who was the last person you took a picture with ?
My Brother.
46: Would you consider to be spoilt ?
I guess so.
47: Would you ever donate blood ?
Erm. Yes !! If it doesn't hurts.
48: Do you have a good friend in the opposite sex ?
Quite many. ^^
49: Do you want somebody dead ?
No !! I am not as evil as Hugo.
50: What does your last text message says ?
( To :: Hugo) Doing quiz. You ? Tell me leh. T_T
51: What are you thinking of right now ?
I thinking when will this end ...
52: Did you wish someone was with you right now ?
Not with la. But to be online.
53: When did you go to sleep last night ?
Around 12am. Haha. Bad girl.
54: Where did you bought your T-shirt you are wearing right now ?
Not sure.
55: Is someone in your mind right now ?
56: Who was the last person who texted you ?

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