Friday, July 31, 2009

I am in total lost !! Should I like accept ?? ERm.....But I still think he like Amanda. THen now ? Ban from com and phone !! Should i just let it be like it. Wait and see ? I think that is the best way. Yesterday went to sell milo !! Yeah !! Earned $60 !! Haha. Sunday selling again !! Yeah !! REcently not feeling well. EVerytime not enough sleep then so many things happening. Gosh !! I can't take it. Help !!

Monday, July 27, 2009

Lol. He did not come to school. Erm....Dont know why kinda of miss him. I don't know leh. I really don't want what am I thinking. Sighz....After what I heard from someone, I hate 2.him alot sia. I am ignoring him now. REally I am disgusted but he and her sia. AH !! I am crazy so many he and her!! Haha. I think is like what PM say sia maybe I already like him. Sighz... So wat ? He don't care about me. Seriously !! When I am sick, i don't think he give a damn. But when he is sick, my whole brain and mind is thinking about him being SICK !!! Gosh !! I am going crazy. He said before that he will never hate me. But now ??? Sighz....... I don't know why. Seriously I am mindless. I don't know who i really like or who are the one I want to stay with. I am LOST!! Today I skip my CCA for the 3rd time. BOO !! Passed my Eng compo !! So happy !! Hope can get out of the programm on Wednesday. I feel like studying now. BB !! ^^

Hope he can recover soon !! I kinda of want to see him. Nvm if he hates me. Shu Qi !! Jia YOu !! ^^ YOu can do it !! ^^

Green = lost !!!!

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Today So tired. VEry sleepy. Sighz....... Erm... realise many things. Life is so weird. I am tired of hating people but I am sick and tired of their attitude. But today's student council Induction was fun !! We played with water,soap and EVEN MROE WATER !!! Haha.Got totally wet. But is worth it !! ^^ Now is Councillors On Probation !! Until next year. Hope can get in !! ^^

Case 1 ::
Don't why. Used to be very good friends on the first day. Then we become very cold. Until now I hate her to my core. Don't know leh. Find her really !!!!!!!!!!! Ah !!!!!!! Many people from my class understands why. When she cry, I really don't pity her loh.

Case 2 ::
We used to really freaking good friends. But don't know why suddeny like tt. Tried to ask back. But he don't seems to care. And I am seeing him almost everyday !! Why can't life just stay where it is. Sighz........ Don't know leh. Hope that can be good again. Then when people say about us, i feel damn sad !!! So plz just don't talk about it.

Case 3 ::
This is most !!! Huh ? Forget it la. Both of us are like impossible. We change too much. We are not like last time. Anyway he has someone special now. So good. Just don't let me see you ok ? Then yeah !! Seriously i hope they can be gone forever !!!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Hey Hey Hey !! Haha. Today is so funny !! Another Rainy day. Lol. Do you know ? Johnson say that bastard is handsome. Oh my god !! So shocking. Haha. Today IT lesson so how serious. Still quite fun !! Yeah !! Got no Higher Chinese !! After school got a lecture from Mr.Toh. But he is right. Actaully 1/1 can be first !! But we too talktive and playful !! I believe by the end of this year we can be the cream again !! Let's work together 1/1 !!! EL. ok. Mrs. Govind did not come. Quite quiet. Science 2 also got scolding. Sighz... Don't mean too. Sorry. But frankly speaking, i prefer Mdm Quek !! FTCT. I realise the school skirt must be above the knee. I was like did I see wrongly ?? But is really above the knee. Tomorrow got CCA. Have to shoot so JIA YOU !! =))

Peach = Having a hope

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

I HATE YOU MAN. REALLY JUST FUCK OUT OF MY WORLD. NOT YOU SORRY. IS YOU ALL. You know who u are. So plz. Can u just change school or make yourself disappear when I see you. You are really fcuking sia !!!! I am hopless le.

shuen-zhi,hugo,kok chuan, hussain and syafiq
PSPS people did not post last night. Haha. Cause was talking on phone with __ Yeah !! So ok.

Yesterday Amanduh did not come. Then went for 2.4 km !! Haha. SHIN YI AND ME FINALLY PASSED !!! YEah !! Damn happy. Zi Ying, Si Qi and Yi Jia jia you !! ^^ During recess went for that program. Erm.... Did not run cuase just run 2.4. But tomorrow must run. Boo !! Haha. Ok la. But Yi Jia they all have to run everyday after school. So Jia you le !! ^^ Took 2 tests on the same day. Gosh !! English paper I don't know how to write loh. Then maths quite hard. Hard then pour in water. Haha. Erm...Went for shooting yesterday. Lol but did not shoot see people and help. Still did not talk at all. Which now seems to be a good thing. Then did the captain's chair. That one rocks man !! Do until my leg numb like crazy. Haha. Then went BBT. And Choy Ying Rui !! Lol. Say what pissed me off then delete me from MSN. Later say kidding only. Sighz... Don't get it.

Today, got Home Econ !! Yeah !! Cooked Chicken Rice. Sth like that actually. But it taste like __. Haha. But the process was fun !! Natasha and I was like Chong Chong Chong. Damn cool sia !! Haha. Then so sad no CCA. Actually I now feel like shooting loh. Haha. WEdnesday have to go school early but was quite happy !! Erm... Yeah tomorrow got tuition ! Haha. Weirdly. I love tuition. At least at my tuition centre. Yeah !! Thursday going for 2nd round for Concil interview. ^^

Without her, I feel better somehow. Maybe we don't really suit to be friends. Sorry.....

ORANGE = Feeling sleepy and mind is happy

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Lol. I hate myself sia. Still thinking about him. After so long le. I still can't get over it. I will still think. You remember how u just left me there telling me that it was all a lie. I was crying like shit !! I dropped from the tip top of my world to the bottom low. So long le. I thought I already had gone over it. But seeing you still make me think of when we were so close. Please. I ahd enough of it. Either you leave or I go. I HATE YOU FROM TOP TO TOE !! When you say, you don't want to talk to me anymore. I was actually silently crying...

Friday, July 17, 2009

Hey People !! I am back !! Yeah !! Went back to school today. Things seems to change. Closer to Ziying, Zoe, Clarissa, Yi jia and Jia yi. Glad that Pei shan is starting to talk to me. ^^ Chen xu is happier and funnier. ^^ And we finally talk le. Don't know leh. Still not so close like last time but at least better. After he has, things changes. Only can see he too good ba. Lol. A few things that make me totally pissed off, funny and embrassed !! I can't believe Shuen-zhi actually cut queue. He did it in front of me and Amanda !! Haha. Went for Student Concil interview !!! AH !! Haha. At first was very nervous then calm down and say it out. Very relief !! Got in for that stupid programm. ____ sia !! Is like only a little only !! I have to get it off !! Helping me to pass my 2.4 too !! So see it in a good way !! ^^ VEry happy to see that many people miss me !! So sweet !!

Yellow = mixture of feelings

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Quiz I created myself When I was looking at my primary class blog

Pick 10 loved person out for your ex-class.
And write their full name. ^^
Write down the reason why u pick 10 of them.
And write down 1 forgettable memory with that person. ^^

Class :: 6C
1) Thng Jing Yee
We are real good friends in primary. Everyday hang out together. ^^ NDP 2007

2) Angelina Lam Feng Min
Same like Jing Yee. ^^ NDP 2007

3) Khoo Zi Rui
Everyday we will go lunch together. Laugh,share problems and talk during chinese. Brownies.

4) Russell Tan Jing Long
Call me to talk. Laugh like man. Everyday slap by me. Graduation day.

5) Jessie Sim Jie Xi
Sit together during remidal. Laugh and play. The practise for the Singing Comp.

6) Alexander Lee Jun Wei
Bully me and I hit him like shit. Haha. The time when he treat me super good.

7) Daniel Seow Kai Jian
Making me laugh. Commandor Bean. If I am not wrong, Learning Tapestary 2007

8) Lim Zhi Kal
Everyday use those super cheem words to talk to me. Ask him to do sth. He always don't do. When he is sitting near me.

9) Jaedon Kee Shao Wei
Good with sweet talks ( sorry) and friendly. When we are really good friends.

10) Dominique Chan Yu Wei
When he was a head-perfect, everyone like fun fun with him. He is really super nice and funny. When we are P1 and 2.

There are many sweet memories. Hope that after many years, in their memory there is still a girl called Eunice Lim who is kinda of like to hit people until they scream.
I realised nothing is forever. Got tired of it. I only can feel comfort with my girl friends. Totally losing faith in boys... Boo... Super happy to see many people missing me and wanting me to recover soon. Haha. Most likely ____ Haha. Tomorrow feel like taking bus alone and go out alone. ^^ Haha. Dont know why. Kinda of emo right ? lol. Dont know what to say really. Hoping that one person now is free to talk to me on msn now. Quite bored. ^^

Gray = Bored but feeling calm

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Today my 2nd day not going to school. Woke up at 7 plus. So early right ? Got woke up by my father. He asked me why so late le still don't wake up. He forgot that I don't have MC. Booo.... Then watch tv for 1 hour. Then use com. And went to eat breakfast. Gosh. You better don't mix ice milk tea with the medicine together. Is very bitter. I can't take it. Came home. Realise that Amanda also did not go school. She is worse. She got high fever. Poor her. And still using com. Haha. Erm...Then clear up my history mid-year correction. Sad that my favourite 10.30 pm show is over. The last episdoe is so cool !! They had a shooting fight !! Is Awesome man !! So today is more to use com,watch tv and study. Did not really touch my phone. Wonder how hard is the English Compre and the Chinese paper. Is it very hard ?? Tomorrow still got History and Maths sia. But most likely I will skip it. Haha. At least next week I can take with Amanda. ^^

Orange = Relax and Neutral

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

And Thanks for those people who show concern to me when I am sick !! Really thanks. Haha. And I like Jia Yi`s personal message. Haha. ^^ If you are boring in class can message me k ?? Haha. ^^
Lol. Wake up feeling cold then body ache. Went to school and got sent back. =P Haha. First time temperature taking is 37.8. But when sent to Mr.Wong is 36.6. Sent back to class. Did not listen to MRs Govind at all. Whoel body col then hot then col again. Boo !! SO have to go home. After 1 hour, my father finally come !! Went to see doctor. 37.8. Got 3days MC. Lol !!! Then went home 1 person alone !! So bored. Haha. Then when eat lunch, watching Titanic and message Bryan. ALmost cried. Sighz..... Haha. So ya. 3 days can`t go to school. Have to re-take tests. Can't see him boooo... Yan feng got CCA today could not talk. lol. kinda of sucks !!

Black = kinda of sucks

Monday, July 13, 2009

Hugo totally damned my day.. Thanks to Azri. I decided to say the name. I admit I am really not used to not talking to him. But it does not not matter now. Cause hahaha lol......

Today !!! Haha. Saw Zi Rui at BEdok Inter. MAc. Haha. Must thanks to the Double Choco. ^^ Lol. Suddenly feel like drinking and went lol see her. Haha. Haha. SAme is Mac. Yan Feng went to the Siglap one. Haha. And saw some extra people. Lol. Mac is place to meet unexpected people. ^^

In the evening, after talking on the phone, went to jog with SArah !! Oh my. She ran damn fast or should say my stamina is like shit !!!!!!!!! Haha. Ok. WE run,jog and walk from our house to Bedok South, then to Tanah Merah then to BEdok View lastly back to TPS. Haha. Saw many small and cute people. ^^ Haha. Her brother is like so cute !! Haha. I praised someone's cough like the Toy Story 2 the penguin coughed. Haha Then it coughs out dust haha lol. He is really damn cute !! =P

Si Qi soon u will get it back. Don't be sad k ? SMile !! ♥ you always. ^^

Red = to my deary Blue is sad / happy ?? =S

Saturday, July 11, 2009

I HATE THIS PART !! Haha. currently listen to this song. So pissed off. Wonder Why that time I will have interest in him sia. Must be head clogged... Lol. Actually he like sometime very nice but sometimes very vuglar. So confusing. Damn sleepy.. But think that i am kinda of freaking ANGRY AND ANGRY !!! lol. But It is good to know that the truth him.


Friday, July 10, 2009

Haha. Today so hyper !!! Haha. Saw Si Qi's new BF. Lol Not bad. Haha. Quite funny. Then we play heart-attack. Lol. Super fun !!! Haha. Hope Si Qi will cherish him haha... Then lol. Leonard having his O-level higher chinese oral today. He say easier than he thought. Good for him sia !! Haha. Talking to Yan Feng. Find him a funny and nice person. =) Haha. Laughning all the way. Talk until my phone damn hot loh. Haha. And he kena scolded. =P Maybe talking later again. ^^ Music is not as good as expected but not bad la. 7.5 !! Haha. Then ALive got scolding again. =P Haha. Xi Guan le !! Geog Mr.Tan did not come. BORING !! Nat,Erna and Zul too !! So sad !! Maths as usual. Then Malay class best !! I message non-stop for 30 mins when the teacher say having test. XP Great thanks to Leonard,Wei Jie,Yan Feng,Zi Ying and Heyse. Haha. And partially Jia Jun. Haha. 5 1/2 person keep messaging you. Damn fun loh !!! Tomorrow got tuition. =P Wish me luck.... Haha. CAUSE I HAVE NOT DONE MY HW YET. T_T

Pinky-purple = Hyper,VERY happy

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Today so tired... Eyes are rolling.....Lol. VEry tired......Searching for the 3 recipies. Shu heng !! THere is sth call love at first sense. Is u believe it or not. But I believe la. ERm...Boring day. Knew a new friend which claims to be my old friend and hates me. Very confused. My mind is kinda of exploding. Too much thing happened.

Gray ::Confused and VEry confused

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Haha. Now doing history correction. And talking to Leonard and Bryan. Today kinda of funny !!

Chen Lao Shi forgotten about the chinese test !! Yeah !! But tomorrow got 3 chapters to spelling. Boo !! IT lessons talk and talk and blow air-con. When watching him wearing aaporn, hit in the fire extingisher. Damn pain got a scarcth too. Battery went died. Haha. FRom 4% until turn off by itself. Saw Wei Jie at the Bubble Tea Shop. Haha. Still so quiet. Ate and laughed. Good day. Tuition is very noisy. Everyone when crazy haha. English quite bored. Haha. Anyway is a fun day with Jeff's accompany. Haha. And Amanda. WE are sitting beside each other but still message loh. Haha. Really crazy. Tomorrow got spelling for 3 chapter wish me luck. Haha. Byebye.

Light Pink :: Feeling great

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Many Many things to say !!!!! Haha. Today got Home Econ !! Shuen-zhi said hi to me super cute.

Chinese made me fun like hahahahah... Zi Ying so funny. THen some mixture. Actually Chen Lao Shi not bad leh. But poor Zi Ying. Nvm la. You so cute. Haha.

Lol. Super Fun !! Haha. We made a drink using 7-Up and Orange and a bread with egg. Got scolded cause we came late. =P Haha. Wore my aapron. Zul said I look like a housewife. Haha. Want to look at myself if is true but no MIRROR !! Haha. Rush like crazy during the pratical cause we too slow. Haha. Bread was over-cooked. Haha cause Natasha setted at 200 Degree. Lol. Cute her. It turns out brown-brown de. Then egg crack 2 together lol. Need DElia to save us. Haha. The drink was very good. ^^ Haha. So Home Econ today is super fun loh !!!!!

During break, lol. Shuen-zhi say hi to me again. With that super wide smile. Haha. Then I was like hyper up for 30 mins. ^^ Quite happy !! Yeah !!!!!

Did not went with Sarah and Mun Keong to Lunch in the end is with Val and Si Qi. So fun !! Haha. Really with Girls is very fun !! Especially with my dear love Valerie !!! Haha.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Hey babies. Hows your youth day ?? Haha for me. Is rather a fun day ^^

Today woke up at around 9.30. Watch my favourite show ^^. Waited for my brother to wake up from 11 to 12 !! So late !! Haha. From left 3 hours to only 2 hours...=(Reached there. Went to see my dream phone. Is similiar to my pink one. (if u know me well enough ^^) but an improved version. Haha. More lighted version.When I was playing with the touch screen, someone tapped my shoulder. It was Shuen-zhi. Many question flow to my mind. Somone say cannot go out leh. Weird...

Went to eat Noodles,Tako and some other. Then went to Libraby. Haha. Got chase out cause we were too "old". Fish loh !! And cannot discuss in the library. Got caught in the rain. Went to Mac. Haha. Play play then study and work for 2 hours. After that, went to Cold Storage. Bought Choco for Hussain & Naufal. Haha. But is Valerie buy not me. Took many pics. So cute !! Haha. Really Love you. Went out with my brother to Vivo City. Haha. Now damn tired so. BYE BYE.

Friday, July 3, 2009

Pass this quiz to 10 people who you want to know how they feel about you.
1. Natasha
2. Sarah
3. Angelina
4. Shu Qi
5. Jaedon
6. Hussain
7. Jessie
8. Zoe
9. Qian Ying
10. Amanda

>Who is 6 having relationship with? [Hussain] Erm... Haha. No idea. But i think many girls want to
>Is 9 a male or female?- [Qian Ying] Female
>If 7 and 10 were together, would it be a good thing?- [Jessie & Amanda] Don't think will ever happen. They don't know each other.
>What is 2 studying at the moment? [Sarah] Erm... Secondary.
>When was the last time you had a chat with 3?- [ Angelina] Quite long ago. Sighz.. Diff. sch
>What kind of music 8 like?[Zoe] Romance I guess.
>Does 1 have any siblings? [Natasha] Yup
>Will you woo 3?[Angelina] Haha. Yup !!!
>How about 7?[Jessie] Yup !! Haha.
>Is 4 single ? [Shu Qi] Yes I guess. But If __ haha.....
>What's is surname of 5?- [Jaedon] Kee
>What's the hobby of 5?- [Jaedon] Erm... Train his arm I guess...
>Do 5 and 9 get along well? [Jaedon & Qian Ying] They don't know each other.
>Where is 2 studying at? [Sarah] TKSS !!
>Say something casual about your eyes? Sighz.... Bad eyesight.
>Have you developing feelings for 5? [Jaedon] Ya. Haha. Ex...
>What colour does 4 like? [ Shu Qi ] Erm.... Blue ??
>Are 5 and 1 good friends?.- [Natasha & Jaedon] Nope. They don't know each other.
>Does 7 like 2?- [Jessie & Sarah] I guess yes !!
>How did you get to know 2?- [Sarah] She is my PAP friend. Til now. WOW !! haha. Long history....
>Does 1 have any pets?- [Natasha] No. I guess...
>Is 7 the sexiest person in the world?- [Jessie] Haha. Quite !!!!
>How is 7 related to you?- [Jessie] Bestie !!!
>Describe 1.- [Natasha] Haha. Someone who is there when I am happy, sad and need someone. She is the funniest people I ever know. With her, I am also laughing. ^^ ♥ you !!

Those who are tagged plz do !! ^^
3 July 2009 Friday

Haha. Today....... Quite good. Haha. Hussain said he like my present. Haha. Cause he like messy. Haha. Which is don't know good or not. Lol. Haha. Annabel too. Sorry very simple. Haha. ^^

Erm.... Was messaging the whole malay class. And very daringly. I put my phone on the table loh. Haha. Then one come one go. ^^ Haha. Cause Prudence was asking me about "someone". Quite hate my new phone. Lol. Buttons too hard to press,keep restarting then the cover keep dropping. =( Music was fun !! Haha. Looking forward for the piano thingy. Haha. And the Do,Re,ME lol. My group is awesome !! Got AManda ( super singer ), Jia Yi ( nice voice ), Lina (sweet one ), Si Qi ( Cute one ) and me ( bad one) Haha.
After school, Val,Qian Ying, Joyce and me got PW meeting. And it is super fun !! We were like damn noisy loh !!! Haha. Then saw Shuen-zhi and Aisyah ( sorry if i spell wrongly ) and others. LOL. Find him already different from the him i know. But to good. ^^

Find him not as cute as I thought he were. People will change I guess.... And is super sad that he is not coming to tuition anymore. Sighz.... When we get to know each other better, sad case. =(

Thursday, July 2, 2009

02 July 2009 Thursday

Hey !! Haha. Not like Sarah I don't neglect my blog. Haha.Just came back from her blog. And currently talking to her too !! Miss her man.

Haha. Today's chinese lesson is so ARH !!! I just can't read the sentence fluently. Haha. Lost to Jia Yi, Alex and one more. Haha. But when I was with Shin yi, we 2 yeah !! Haha. got 30 marks. Muacks to her !! Geog Amanda sleep in class !! Haha. And Jia Yi too. Went to Libraby during recess. Saw my cousin as usual don't talk. =( But saw many others. Haha. Si Qi ,Yiying and Zi ying they all got scolded. Too noisy. =P Through out the whole day, keep hearing Bob and Aloy's name. Haha. WAnt to know why ??

Hope that Hussain and Annabel will like my "present". Cause it is not so nice. Haha. I tried my best =)

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

1 July 2009 Wednesday

Hey !! How is life ?? Hope good !!Haha. Yesterday went out with Jessie. WEnt PP. Ate the Cafe BAr. OH my !! The food is damn nice !! I love the bread and the ______ haha. I forget wats that call. Haha. But it is damn sad. And JESSIE !! CHEER UP !! I AM ALWAYS SOMEONE WHO U CAN DEPEND ON !! Love you ! ^^

Today nothing much to say..... Erm. Yeah !! Haha. Message him from morning to night. Good !! Haha. ERm.... Sorry to someone I don't mean to make u say those words to you. I was just fooling so plz don't take it serious !! And today got IT lesson. Haha. Quite fun !! Haha. Scared too !! My socks was angle loh. Or lower. CAuse my socks not dry. =( SCared Mr.HEng catch luckily not !! Then haha. Work with Azri !! Happy working !! I have faith in him. Since he done it before !! ^^ Haha. Working with him sure is fun i believe. ERm....Zhi Wei really don't look like his brother !! Haha. But Zhi wei is better !! ^^ So Yeah ! sorry today very rush.... haha. Hope for a better tomorrow !! Have to rush someone's present !! ^^

He still refused to talk to me. I got nth to do seriously. Still very upset about it. But he is happy then i am fine. But to him, i am just a pest. And Nat say he is a pest-buster !! Haha. THat was a joke. Ok so... Hope that we soon will be as good as we used to be.... Love him always........