Tuesday, July 21, 2009

PSPS people did not post last night. Haha. Cause was talking on phone with __ Yeah !! So ok.

Yesterday Amanduh did not come. Then went for 2.4 km !! Haha. SHIN YI AND ME FINALLY PASSED !!! YEah !! Damn happy. Zi Ying, Si Qi and Yi Jia jia you !! ^^ During recess went for that program. Erm.... Did not run cuase just run 2.4. But tomorrow must run. Boo !! Haha. Ok la. But Yi Jia they all have to run everyday after school. So Jia you le !! ^^ Took 2 tests on the same day. Gosh !! English paper I don't know how to write loh. Then maths quite hard. Hard then pour in water. Haha. Erm...Went for shooting yesterday. Lol but did not shoot see people and help. Still did not talk at all. Which now seems to be a good thing. Then did the captain's chair. That one rocks man !! Do until my leg numb like crazy. Haha. Then went BBT. And Choy Ying Rui !! Lol. Say what pissed me off then delete me from MSN. Later say kidding only. Sighz... Don't get it.

Today, got Home Econ !! Yeah !! Cooked Chicken Rice. Sth like that actually. But it taste like __. Haha. But the process was fun !! Natasha and I was like Chong Chong Chong. Damn cool sia !! Haha. Then so sad no CCA. Actually I now feel like shooting loh. Haha. WEdnesday have to go school early but was quite happy !! Erm... Yeah tomorrow got tuition ! Haha. Weirdly. I love tuition. At least at my tuition centre. Yeah !! Thursday going for 2nd round for Concil interview. ^^

Without her, I feel better somehow. Maybe we don't really suit to be friends. Sorry.....

ORANGE = Feeling sleepy and mind is happy

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