Sunday, May 31, 2009

1 June 2009 Monday

I made a great achievement today !! Erm. Is Shooting Rifle de BTW. Last training I only shot 2 cards ( Total is 10. Is 5 per card.) This time I shot like 30 shots 6 cards sia. But my preparation time is too long. Preparation time is fixing gun, making pellet and stance All those. Hussain damn pro loh. In 15 mins, he shot like 25 shots. Much Much faster than me. Prem was quite noisy and fierce. He shot beside me sia. But this is the first time I shoot until so happy. As in I shoot already still want to shoot somemore. But my body cannot take it. I shoot for like 1 hour plus sia today. But Mr.Soh say I still cannot go Compeitition. Cause I just shoot for 2 lessons not enough yet. Even Pro need 5 lessons loh. Tomorrow go and support loh. ^^ Haha.

Now really super tired. Leg are aching like it is going to break soon. I still have not make up my mind if i am quitting. But I seems to enjoy it now. Maybe rifle suits me better. ^^

Song To Recommand Today ::

半生熟 By
品冠 & 戴佩妮

Saturday, May 30, 2009

30 May 2009 Saturday

Suddenly I thought about it. What if i did not listen to my mum to come to this school ? I go to Angelican, Tanjong Katong or even Chung Cheng I think I would be happier right. Don't know leh. Thats what i was thinking after I visited my primary school's friends' blogs. Wow so long. Haha.

So bored. Today haha. NTh much to say. Serious can't my Sat be a little more exciting ? After that night, is again me and my tv. Sighz.... Last time used to have somone to talk to me at Sat over the phone. From like 10.30 to 12 plus. There was once we talked for 4 hours. And that night, I slept very soundly. It was very touched that person actaully secretly called me and despite being tired, he tried his very best to continue entertaining me.

Holidays are like still school days BUT EVEN MORE HOMEWORK !! Haha. Still got training. LOL. Quite excited for the TPS UG camp and the P5 TMS camp. Haha. Sad that those who I wanted them to go did not go but I will enjoy my myself. Haha. Out of random !! I Want to Student Councillor or PSL. Haha.

Congratulation to Shuen-zhi. Haha. He got 2nd in class sia. And passed most subject. Smart right ? Haha. Look Forward for him to move up to Express next year. ^^

Friday, May 29, 2009

Aka last day of term 2

29 May 2009 Friday

Yeah !! Last day of school. So cool. But I confirm will miss everyone de. Holiday like everyday go back to school then got so much homework !! Got serious quite alot of pics. But lazy to post. ?? Sad.

27 May Wednesday
THat day was the green scavenger race. WE wrote our names on my glove then me buried it. Haha. Wonder if we will still remember a few years later. We took many pics !! ^^

28 May Thursday (Yesterday)
Yesterday got training. MY shooting posture damn funny loh. My legs are straight but my upper body is slanging to my left side. Should be quite funny. Then caught a pic of hugo's side and zven. But lazy to post. =P Haha. Zven is damn cute loh. And funny.

29 May Friday
Forget to bring phone. When I reach school, the bell rings !! Sit at hall for 2 hours. Quite boring. Then the cleaning of classroom was quite fun !! ^^

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

27 May 2009 Wednesday

Hey. Haha. Sorry yesterday lazy to post. =P Erm. Today got many pictures to post !! Thinking of creating a blog to put photos and a total new blog URL. ^^ Ok. So about today. We went to East Coast Park at around 8. Was in the 1/1 Group 1 Atiqah, Joey, Zul, Jun Hong, Amanda, Yi Xian and Joyce. Our group IC is SITI ! Haha. Quite fun la but tiring. We wrote our names on my glove and buried in under a tree. Cool right ? Haha. Hope after many years, the glove is still there and not picked up by other school people as litter picking. Haha.

My class boys is seriously very suckish loh. Rude, un-gentlemenand very petty. DEtails not going to say. Ok. Maybe not all but most.

Monday, May 25, 2009

25 May 2009 Monday

and SPIRIT !!

Happy Birthday to You
Happy Birthday to You,
Happy Birthday to Mum,
Happy Birthday to You.

Today is Sec 1 sports day. Quite fun la. I playe games. There are Wickco, Dog & Bone, Captain's ball, Do You like ur neighbour, taboo and some other games. Quite slack. Tomorrow getting my DRAFT result slip. DAmn scared loh !! ^^ Haha. Hope and Pray it will be good!! Went with SArah to Pizza Hut for have lunch. Haha. Quite cool la. Then on the bus damn noist after my Pri Junior. Haha. Quite funny la actually. Today saw Bryan but he just ignore me and talked to my friend. I think he detest me still. Even before that incident. Sighz..... =(

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Yeah for result !!

23 May 2009 Saturday

Hey Guys. Hows all your result ? Good ? Bad ? Well. Mine is not bad. ^^ Hope urs too.

This is the result for all my result ::
English C6
Maths A1
Science B3
Geog B3
History B3
Literature A2
H.Chinese C6
D&T (SA1) C5

Haha. Was really very happy that I could get A1 for Maths. Very disappointed for my English. However, overall is GREAT !! Haha. Finally won Hugo !! But his sci damn good loh. A1 sia for total thn both Sci 1 and Sci 2 also A1. Never knew he is so pro in Sci. Was damn impressed by Si Qi's result. Oh my. I think she really beat the record for TEAMSEK SEC EXPRESS. I am serious
Yesterday ::
The English is damn funny loh. Zhi Xiang ( if i am not wrong) keep calling Yi Jia wife in chinese. God. So sweet. Haha. Then in my eng group got Chen Xu, Zhi Xiang, Yi Jia, Chris, Hai Ni, Zi Ying and me. Damn funny loh. LOL ! And we won with a piece of crap. Each got a kit-kat. But our sentence is damn suckish seriously.

A warm deep rain forest full of squrrials playing among the bushes searching for food.

Sth like that. CRAP right? Went to KFC with Si Qi, Jia Yi, Alex and Ren Kun. DAmn funny also. Took many pics. ^^ Got scolded by Mum cause we were supposed to go out at 6. But I 6. 30 still have not reached home. Haha. So went to K place. Sing and Eat and sing and eat. But not so much on eat and sing. MORE ON DRINKING GREEN TEA. Haha. Ask somone to sing but he refused. Haha. And make him keep pausing his game cause keep messaging him. =P

Thursday, May 21, 2009

21 May 2009 Thursday
Yeah !! Today got my result for quite many subjects. ^^ Generally my results not bad loh. Haha.

English : C6 52%
Lucky my comprehension put my whole results up. Then my compo fail loh !
Geography : B3 65.91 %
MY map skills are shitty. Haha. But my result not bad la. ^^
Science (2) : Total B3 68%
Lucky my section A damn good 27/30. My section C fail loh.
Design & Technology : Not sure
so-so loh. Haha. CA got A1 then SA1 got C5

Higher Chinese: C6 52 %
My Chi compo pull my result up !! My paper cannot finish so result confirm bad de. But lucky did not fail too badly. Overall pass loh.

Haha. Caught Hugo kept staring at the girls' side during meeting. Suspecting that he is looking at ANNABEL !! Haha. Took MANY pictures at the range. Posting many today.


Took before I went for training.

Random one.

Mr Tham - My maths tuition teacher
Getting 'lecture" by Mr. Soh

All the rifles on the table

Pistol Box Rifle in the cupboard. Forget to turn the photo. PS.

Peishan and Shu Qi

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

20 May 2009 Wednesday

Today some interesting things happened. Firstly morining got CCA loh. Quite fun loh. Changed jacket. But still did not get to shoot any bullets cause I got some problem with my posture and aiming. Tomorrow got training hope is better !! ^^ I kinda of enjoy myself in shooting again. Haha. Yup so maybe not changing.

After training, rush back home. Then went to Temasek Poly (TP). Cool right ? Went there to attend my counsin' s GRaduation !! Yeah !! Haha. Tomorrow is my brother's one. But got school,training and course so cannot go loh. Sighz... Took photo with my cousin. Haha. He seems so happy to GRADUTE !! Sorry. posting the photos another time. today very tired le. ^^sorry.

Rush to tuition after that. Haha. Tuition today is slack loh. Did some riddles. ^^ So tomorrow will be a damn busy day. So JIA YOU JIA YOU !!!

Tomorrow getting back result for ::
  • English
  • Geography
  • Science 2
  • Design & Technology
  • Higher Chinese


Tuesday, May 19, 2009

It should end now T_T

19 May 2009 Tuesday

Today is a super weird today. Good thing & bad thing happen together. Woke up early today. 7 am loh. Then use com until 9 plus. Went to some far far place for breakfast. Almost late for shooting. Lucky did not. Haha. Tease Shu Qi about Leonard.

Today doing rifle. Spent too much time on the preparing part. Did not even get to hit one shot with bullet out. =P Not so tiring for today. WEnt out of the damn hot range. Kept finding people to eat lunch with me. Called Sarah, Jessie and Hugo. But none of them picked up. Suddenly remember of Tristan. Lucky they have to gone out yet. Still at Jing's sch. Haha. Then took bus 14 to Tanah Merah. Meet them. Took MRT to T1. After some quarreling, 3 people go buy chips and sushi then the another 3 go eat subway. Then 2 of them went off. Left all TPS students. Walked for a while with them then went home.

Actually she is not that bad. =) We 2 could be good friends i think !! ^^ Thanks Prudence for waiting bus with me !! ^^ Maybe me and him is better to end now since he don't like me. ALl the things he did today made me more sure of this. So wat if i care so much about him, he don't give a damn. Love is better to end at the most beautiful moment. It will hurt even more when he say that he doesn't like me when I confess to him.

Tomorrow got training !! 加油! 加油!

haha.don't really know how to put the images nicely. =P

Monday, May 18, 2009

AKA last day of exam 2009 Mid-year !!

18 May 2009 Monday

Find myself quite stupid loh. Haha. It has been 5 months le. Still no progress. If I could choose, I will not want to know him in the first place. Cause Hugo is a jerk.

Today last paper le !! So happy. I slept at 12am last night sia. Keep thinking how to ask my mother to let me go out. Then morning it turns out to be T went with his friends to someone's house, my primary school friend sprain her ankle then left me and 1 more guy. DAMn sia. THey never tell us in the 1st place. In the end, the "1 more" guy went home to use com. SAme here of course. WEnt out with Jessie for lunch at Bubble tea shop. Haha. Oh ya. When I go to school with my new hair-style, NAtasha laughed at me loh. Then she stopped she said actually quite nice. WTH !! Haha.

THe paper was quite easy. Finish quite earlier. Did not sleep early last night so quite sleepy. Almost fell asleep. Zzzzzzzz.

Tomorrow got training sia. Feel like skipping training. Tomorrow supposed to be a day to rest at home and slack one. But now have to go back. Hope Shooting disband sia !!!

Sunday, May 17, 2009

17 May 2009 Sunday

Own u 1 birthday present. He is a damn nice guy. But quite playful,irrating, noisy, bad, evil, rude n CUTE !! Haha.

A- Adorable
N- Neat
I- Intelligent
Q- Quick-thinking

Ok. Today damn boring. Nothing much to say. Haha. Saw Zhi Wei at the mall. Then went home very quickly. Hope to go out tomorrow sia. REally !!! Plz and beg my mother tonight !! I WANT TO GO OUT !!!

Tomorrow's paper ::
Maths Paper 1

Saturday, May 16, 2009

16 May 2009 Saturday

Today quite sad loh. She still refused to let me go. Sighz.... REally want to go sia. Today went to tuition. Almost late. But only got 4 people. Haha. REst all late. WAs damn angry with Zhi Wei !! Message him don't reply loh. Then first part of the lesson we paly taboo. So cool. Haha. Ryan damn pro loh. Kee Yong damn noisy. AFter that the next half,slack. MEssage Jessie loh. Haha.Walked home with Zhi wei. Then went to eat lunch with Jessie. Came Home use com. LAter go celebrate my GRandma's birthday. So hyper. CAn go out !! Oh ya. I pin my hair differently today. Quite cute I can say. ^^

Haha. I have now 1 more bro who treats me super nice. Ng Zhi wei. I call me Bro Zhi wei in name. Bro in message. Haha. He say my new fringe makes me look nicer, more prettier. DAMn happy loh. He quite funny too. He entertain me the whole night. Ate many things. VEry full. Took a few photos too. Most likely pining my new fringe on Monday. Hope my mother let me go sia. ^^ In chinese, 希望在明天。

Friday, May 15, 2009

Plz !! Hope She allow !!

15 May 2009 Friday

Today's paper is like my god. Not easy Not very Hard. HARD !! But not very. Haha. Wat am I saying. Cannot finish oh my. But I am not the only one in the whole HCL level. 1/2 also got many people can't finish. Die le loh. End school at 9.30 plus. WEnt home with Zhi Wei and Lina. Saw the CL paper. Quite easy. Sighz..... Tristan called me. A change of plan. Which makes it even better. But the worse thing I did not tell my mum !! How to tell sia ?? Sighz... But I really want to go loh. The day is drawing nearer. Have to ask today. Actually I planned not to tell her, I don't feel like lying to her. Sighz.... Ask quite many people for opinion. They all told me to just be frank. Hope she allow loh. ^_^ Quite angry. Damn Bryan hang my phone sia. =P

Monday's Paper ::
Maths Paper 2 (Last paper)

Thursday, May 14, 2009

2nd post of 14 May

An important Decision ::

I maybe should thanks him. I have made up my mind. Though my feelings are not so great, he should the best for now. Compared me and him has the best relationship. At least We don't quarrell or argue that much. We got along quite well. THink that my feelings will grow more and more these few days. Soon the feeling will be strong. ^_^

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

14 May 2009 Thursday

Sighz. Today is quite unlucky day. Don't know how to say leh. Woke up late. Very late. 15 mins later. Then Chong loh. Started to rain since I woke up. How to go school sia ? Lina and I each carry at umbrella loh. But the rain was too heavy. My bag and uniform was wet loh. Then when we reached the amphitheater, a cat run out from the gallery. Huh ?? Whats that. Got a scare loh. Lucky no one I knew. Then message Zoe go which classroom. Climbed all the way to 4/4. No one was in the class. Then saw them slowly climbing up. Went with Amanda and Alex to her locker. Twisted my ankle abit cause running.

Lit Exam was quite cold loh. My shoes were wet and the fan kept blowing. A torture. The paper was quite easy. But I wrote very long. Longer than other people loh. Then Mr.Wong said that got 19 people fail History. Got people single digit. So scary !! Scared is me loh !

When I reached my house, I realise I forgot to bring key. Oh my !! Wander around the neighbour. SAw Hanish Talk and talk then went to Sarah's house. Haha. The hamster was freaking cute !! Quite many Fat ones. Nigel is one of them. Haha. Play with them. SO CUTE !! Had a crazy idea. We exchange uniform. Haha. I am a moment of TK student. Actually took many pictures but my phone. LAME SHIT !! Nvm I got my new phone but only can use after exam. =P Took picture with Aaron. After that, Sarah sent Aaron to school and I went home loh. This year's diary got many of our year student. Haha. But no him and me. Thats sad !! Oh yeah !SAw him today. Carrying a transparent file. So cute. Then never see W at all today. Teo Zhi Wei moving house soon. Will miss you. Know u so many years le !!

Tomorrow's Paper ::
Higher Chinese Paper 2

He made me FCUKING angry !!

13 May 2009 Wednesday

A freaking idoit make me angry. Seriously I don't understand why I pay so much attention him. I find myself very stupid. I waited for him like a obedient dog then he say he got to go. What the Fcuk !! Hoping the people who online is him. So stupid sia. Promise myself not to talk about him for the rest of the day. Damn it !! Eeyoree Ke In The Name Of Mocha Hong !!

Today is Sci full paper and Maths paper 2. SCI is quite hard loh. But managed to finish about 15 mins before time. I am quite happy la. During break, saw that idiot with his friends most probably walking one round around the school ba. Then saw W standing up and eat. So cute. No space so poor thing. When I bought my drink going back to my seat, saw Jia Jun. The first thing he say was HIS NAME !! Then freaks me out loh. I quickly run. Break was quite fun la. During Maths paper, I then realise I got a cut on my angle. Damn pain. Then have to wait until after school loh. I wash with water. It hurts like wat sia but CANNOT COMPARE WITH HOW MUCH HE HURTS ME.
Realise i left my bottle in school. Don't know if can find. T_T

Tomorrow's paper ::

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

12 May 2009 Tuesday

Geo's paper today is like __. Erm. I don't really know how to explain it. But I am quite gald that I did study. Most question I can answer. But I got not enough time to complete the paper. It looks like I am still not clear about the longtitude and latitude. Sighz.. However like what my friend say, " Anyway its also over.....cant do anythin abt it.....the thing i can do nw is to do well for other subject." But my history sighz..... Tomorrow got 2 subject loh. Very nervous and scared. Study quite alot I could say. Hope can do well. =)

Tomorrow's paper ::

Science paper
Maths Paper 2

Monday, May 11, 2009

11 May 2009 Monday

This morning woke up by my brother. He was damn noisy. Kept scaring me. He say today is Tuesday why u at home. Damn him !!

Nth much loh. THat idoit went away and never return. He don't even say hi when u appear online instead of away. Talk to him don't reply. Don't give a damn to him anymore. =P

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Why can't love be like I like u then I tell u we can be together ?? Why must it be so hard ?? Together is the end. We still have to maintain it. I miss you so much. But you don't give a damn. Seriously what is love ?? It is so hard.
10 May 2009 Sunday

Realise that He has actually become a part of my life. Without him, my world is so bored and emo. Waiting since just now but still did not see him. Is that love ?? Haha. I don't know leh.

Today went with Jessie to eat breakfast. Was still in bed when she called me. Then quicxk change and get down to meet her. Haha. We were quite lucky. It started to rain only after we reached the coffeeshop. No space outside also we sat inside. Then the rain got bigger and it started coming in. The people from inside started moving in too. Found that our convensation are mostly about him. Him this him that. Went home after breakfast. Watch TV while doing my maths paper 2. Not bad got 70/80. Haha. And some worksheets.

Started using com at 3 plus. Level up for Hell's Kitchen. Level up for Restaurant City. Read a few chapter of comic. But still waiting for him. What a bored off day !!

Saturday, May 9, 2009

09 May 2009 Saturday

Today quite bored loh. Watch Tv until I fell asleep. And was suppose to be a Horror movie loh. In the morning went to temple. Message with my Grandad's phone while waiting. My phone left not much money loh. Like $3 left. Message too much loh. I am like people message me then I mostly all reply. Then one day can message like 50 plus. Then afternoon took bus home. What a long ride. Afternoon I slack loh. Then evening online,facebook, blog and reading school rumble comic !! Nth much happen. Kinda bored. And miss Zhi Wei's nonsense.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

A day which I flung my History. Diao. =( Feeling quite down. In school, got Natasha's company. Feel so sweet and warm. Then during the singing of song, Natasha kept saying his name then I cannot sing properly ok maybe lip it properly. Then we talked about Mr. Wong can see his __ diao. Hugo told me that yesterday too loh. Haha. Natasha and Hugo have the same "vision" LOL !!

History paper first time shiver during paper. Feeling very uncomfortable. Then High Chinese paper is like shit also loh. Quite weird while doing the paper but why is that feeling.I don't know. After papers went to eat with Amanda !! Alone !! Then Mr Soh saw us. He waved to us loh. Freak me out !! Then went back to school just for ___ !! Haha. Wait til Amanda board the bus then walk home. So bored. Did not see him online. Feel even lonlier !!
Tomorrow is History and HCL Paper 1 loh. I think I prepared quite well la. I did all I think that could help me in my exam. Quite scared though. Family not giving much support. All saying I worked not hard enough. Sighz. Sian. Only peer support are there for me. Thanks so much for those who message me to wish good luck and Zhi Wei for words support !! =)

Today I studied for like 4 hours. The most I have ever studied u could see how much I put my effort in. Hope that could score in both subject. I don't want to care abou those F****ING adults anymore. I will do my part and give my best !! =)


Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Many things happened today. Oh my. Was so scared. English got pinch by Mrs.Goh cause did not write sth in my file oh my. Why she only pinch me sia ?? Crazy. I still say her today pretty loh. WTF !! Then Geography Alex went to tell her the secret between me and him. WTH !! Whole Geo lesson was listening to Mr.Tan cause was angry with Alex. During recess, Alex came to disturb. Make Xaviera, Zoe, Valerie and some others no appitite to eat. Then quarrel with 1/5 girls cause he block the way and refuse to move. WTH !! On the way back, saw Jia Jun and Yan Feng. They opened the back door. Then Anson was sitting on the table. He said boo. Then got 1 guy hid behind the cupboard. He jumped out then say boo. So lame. I laughed til I went back to class.During Alive. Not much happened. PW. Boring to death. I don't know if she was the leader or me loh. She is so complain-tive and irrating. After Pw. Went toliet on the way saw Shuen-zhi and bang-ed into Mr. Lokman cause I was talking to Johnson. So PS !! HCL. Finally end of 1 semester.

My group was the 2nd.
Thanks for creating such wonderful memories
HCL 1/1 Group 4 members ::
> Eunice ( Leader ) Ke Li
> Yong Xuan ( trouble maker )
> Si Qi ( english educated girl)
> Qian Ying ( a girl who loves egg rolls)
> Yi Ying ( the quiet one)

After school, went to bubble tea shop. Alex, Si Qi, Natasha, Valerie, Amanda, Atiqah and me. When we reached, Alex was emo-ing. Swinging Val's bag. Then stepped on his bag. After eating, we went to the playground. He swang his file then it hit my throat which made me bit my tongue. Pain man. Then when we climbed up the hill, Alex fell then a group of boys laughed at him. So bad. Then they quarrelled when the rest and i was already up on the hill. Then Atiqah and Si Qi went to stop them. God. They called .................................. Don't feel like continuing. I was worried sake for Alex the whole time. Lucky in the end, nth bad and serious happened. Wat a relief.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Today is so cool !!! Haha. Today history Mr Wong not free so got another teacher take over. Then Amanda, Natasha and me went toiliet to slack. Girl's favourite hiding place. Then when we came back, no one was in class. Haha. Then we walked around the whole school one. But I insist to messaging someone to ask where are they. See so guai ! Haha. But kinda of regret it now. Then went back to copy. Maths class quite slack loh. While Mrs Lim was teaching, I was deleteing my message. I delete from 9.15 until 9.55 still have not finish. Haha. Art quite slack also. My artworks are damn cool. Cause all not graded. Haha. So teacher decided to show me my marks which is a top secret saved in the excel. HAHA. I saw Shuen-zhi's one loh. As usual a talent in art is a talent is art. He got like 18,15,16. Crazy sia. So good score. Then Mine is like 14,14,13. Diao. Sci 2 went to lab. Sat with Yi Jia. Found her to be a very nice person. But not the 2 behind me. Aniq and Alex. Damn irrating loh. Then I slapped Alex in his back as revenge. Haha. So evil. Lit cause Miss siti want to teach her form class so free period. Nth much slack loh.

After school, actually was taking bus with Alex to Tampines interchange. That guy la talk to Erna. Then I missed the bus. =P In the bus, talk to Heyse and her friend in 1/3. She quite nice =) Haha. Was talking with Jun Wei and some others too. Haha. Sth sweet happened but not going to tell. Finally met with Angelina. So cute. First time see her in her uniform. We went T1. We are like kids who were lost. Walking around without direction. Haha. Then realise the food stalls were all downstairs. So settled our meals in the end at Subway !! Ate Subway Meal. Which consists of a 6-inch sandwhich, 2 cookies or a bag of chips and a big cup of drink. And it only cost $5.90 loh. Haha. If u eat subway, must add honey mustard and mayonnaise. It is a great match man. As usual. Talked and talked and talked. So cool loh. About 3 plus, took bus home. Saw Jia jun immediately hid behind Angelina. Haha.

On the bus trip, saw tristan. Then gave him a call. Haha. Talked to him and suddenly to Bryan Tay. After Bathing, talked on the phone with Russell. He wrote a compo about me. A person who i will never forget. So cool !! Haha. But he refused to tell me about the content. T_T Talked for like 30 mins. Damn hyper after tt ! Haha.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Not as close as thought.
Only the same as the rest.
No difference at all.

One sided thought.
A space of imangination.
Is just a foolish thought.

Scared to have fallen in.
Maybe already fell in secretly.
Forget about the past and now.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Today ya quite lady-like. Haha. I wore dress sia. Went to Terminal 3 for breakfast. Haha. Then went to cafe. Instead on drinking coffee, i told my cousin that drinks coffee makes me feel mature loh. Love coffee now !! ^^ Afternoon very guai use a while of com then do hw. Haha. I did like 1 hour plus de hw only. Then recored movie. Damn nice loh the show. Para Para Sakura. Quite old though. Actually whole day is watch tv la. Nth much. Haha. Cannot wait to go school tomorrow !! ^^ Want to see Amanda soon !!

Saturday, May 2, 2009

A day of Accident !! Haha. Went out for breakfast and bought even more T-shirts today !! ^^ Then went for tuition. First time I was early. I was always punctual but not early. Haha. Then qaurrel with Zhi Wei. He is such a bully sia. Haha. Then Miss Ong said that Zhi Wei like Shanelle. Cause he always tease her. Then the teacher decided start pairing girls and guys up together. But there is 8 boys and 6 girls. So have to kick one boy out to change to a girl. Then don't know who say Spirit. Then the teacher say cannot cause he is paired with ME !! WTH !! Haha. Cause I think we always sit together then talk alots thats why ba. ^^ ok.

About the accidents.During lesson, the teacher went out then Spirit went up to the board to write sth. Benedict throw an empty can then it hits Spirit's butt. Haha. Quite pain. The coffee stained the board and got scolded loh. I was talking to Spirit then he was drinking. I shook him when he was putting the cup then. He did not put properly. He spilled the water loh. Wet the whole floor. I wa moving the table then just cannot put properly. He helped me but in the end knocked the things on teacher's table down. The teacher came in. Then she asked Spirit not to move and stay at his seat. I am so sorry !! Makem got scolded !! The last accident. After class, i went with Belinda to 7-11. She wanted to buy Slupee so I helped her. Then the second flavour. She decided to do herself. She turn to almost full blast. The drink blast out !! Then she hold the drink to tight. Haha. Spilt out even more !! Then benedict stand down there and stare haha. Oh ya one more. Belinda went to ride Benedict's bic. Then half-way she stop wanted to reverse to return it. But too heavy i think she dropped the bic. Haha. So cute the way she react !! Got brain freeze after drinking Belinda's slupee !! AHah !!!!!!!

Friday, May 1, 2009

Today went to Vivo City. Damn happy la. Got to buy many many stuffs. Hehe. ^^ Oh ya. Angelina and Jessie came to my house. Slack together loh. Then out to Vivo. Looking for a resturant for like 20 mins. I was god damn hungry already. After Brunch, went for shopping. Bought a new handphone pouch from mini-toons, a few pieces of printed tees from OP and a flip-flop at new urban male. Cool right ?? At the flip-flop part. I thought New Urban Male is for male haha. Is uni-sex. This Flip-flop is the lastest design and the price is dman cool la. $49.90. But my aunt say nvm u like then buy loh. So good !! Happily went home. Studied for 2 hours Sci 1 and Geography. Went to watch Titanic. Damn nice. But have not finish. Most probably watch and eat dinner. Have not eat yet. LOL. So got to finish the 2nd disc. Bye bye !! ^_^