Saturday, May 23, 2009

Yeah for result !!

23 May 2009 Saturday

Hey Guys. Hows all your result ? Good ? Bad ? Well. Mine is not bad. ^^ Hope urs too.

This is the result for all my result ::
English C6
Maths A1
Science B3
Geog B3
History B3
Literature A2
H.Chinese C6
D&T (SA1) C5

Haha. Was really very happy that I could get A1 for Maths. Very disappointed for my English. However, overall is GREAT !! Haha. Finally won Hugo !! But his sci damn good loh. A1 sia for total thn both Sci 1 and Sci 2 also A1. Never knew he is so pro in Sci. Was damn impressed by Si Qi's result. Oh my. I think she really beat the record for TEAMSEK SEC EXPRESS. I am serious
Yesterday ::
The English is damn funny loh. Zhi Xiang ( if i am not wrong) keep calling Yi Jia wife in chinese. God. So sweet. Haha. Then in my eng group got Chen Xu, Zhi Xiang, Yi Jia, Chris, Hai Ni, Zi Ying and me. Damn funny loh. LOL ! And we won with a piece of crap. Each got a kit-kat. But our sentence is damn suckish seriously.

A warm deep rain forest full of squrrials playing among the bushes searching for food.

Sth like that. CRAP right? Went to KFC with Si Qi, Jia Yi, Alex and Ren Kun. DAmn funny also. Took many pics. ^^ Got scolded by Mum cause we were supposed to go out at 6. But I 6. 30 still have not reached home. Haha. So went to K place. Sing and Eat and sing and eat. But not so much on eat and sing. MORE ON DRINKING GREEN TEA. Haha. Ask somone to sing but he refused. Haha. And make him keep pausing his game cause keep messaging him. =P

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